Daily Archives: June 23, 2024

Roma and Czech Schools

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A dreadful reportage in a segregated school in the Czech Republic. Karel Rajchl, the director of the Vojanova Elementary School in Děčín says that getting children and their families to cooperate is often almost impossible.

“Shh, they’re writing a test,” she warns, upon entering the seventh-grade physics class. The teacher replies “It doesn’t matter, they can’t do anything anyway”. In the last pews, two boys don’t even bother to have an open notebook in which to calculate the task entered on the blackboard, they just giggle. “These boys are one step away from raping our young female teachers,” states principal Rajchl dryly as he leaves the class again.

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French Chronicle …

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Not much this week in France, most probably due to the upcoming elections.

An article about Angela Rostas, a 40 years old pregnant Romni who was killed recently in Savoie, near Geneva, victim of a racist murder. The other article is about Roma who are squatting in a stadium near Nates, after having been evicted from their previous camp.
