Monthly Archives: June 2024

Slovakia and European Elections

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The European Parliament elections in Slovakia were won by the Progresivne Slovensko (PS) movement, which won six mandates, followed by the Smer-SD party, which will be represented by five MPs, the Republika party (founded by former party members Marian Kotleba), which won two mandates, the Christian Democratic Movement with one mandate and the Hlas – social democracy party (whose former chairman Peter Pellegrini will sit in the presidential palace), which also won one mandate. The Roma candidates failed.

Brno and the Killing

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A year ago, in Brno, a young Rom died after being stabbed by a Ukrainian. The court acquitted the man this spring. According to the verdict, it was a necessary defence. Representatives of the Roma minority in Brno would like to reopen the case are seeking legal advice.

Czechia, Elections, and Roma

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A reportage on a small town close to the Polish border where many Roma were moved into a dilapidated housing estate and did not vote in the European elections. They either are not registered in that town, or simply have no idea what elections were held.

Belgium and Roma

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Conner Rousseau, a Belgian politician and now former chair of the Vorruit (Social Democrat) party made racist statements against Roma last September. A mediation was proposed and initially accepted, but Roma organisations withdrew from the agreement.

He is now set to be judged but will not attend the proceedings.

French Chronicle …

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A few news this week about Roma in France: a 26 year old man has been arrested for the murder of a pregnant Romni in Haute Savoie, close to Geneva. The crime seems to have been racially motivated. Other news are about EU Funds for the integration of Roma and the closure of a camp in Strasbourg.

Czechia: Social Centre

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The Roma community centre Lačo jilo [Good heart] in Přerov, which until recently was located in a dilapidated building  and has acquired new facilities for its activities. Charita Přerov, under which the centre falls, agreed on a lease with the owner of the building in Škodova street. Roma children from socially excluded locations can use the premises for various activities.

Slovenia: Wedding

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A critical article with undertones about a Roma wedding organised by a rich Rom who worked abroad.

The undertone is that this is all criminal money. The groom was Italian, the bride Bulgarian and all of this in Slovenia …

Željko Jovanović on European Elections

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The president of the Roma Foundation of Europe is appealing politicians to involve Roma in upcoming European elections. He says there are more Roma in Europe than citizen of several smaller European countries, and that in several places, they make 10% of the population.

Czechia: Debate

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On Wednesday, June 5, Romani internet television, ROMEA TV, broadcasted a live debate of three Romani candidates running for seats in the European Parliament. All candidates accepted the invitation to the debate: Ivana Batthyány (Left), David Beňák (ANO) and Jaroslav Miko (STAN).

Poland: Let’s get to know each other

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“Let’s get to know each other” is another part of the campaign of the W Towards Dialogu Foundation about the presence Roma of in Polish society. 72% of Polish women and men do not know a single person from the Roma community as written on the billboards of the campaign, which spread from the Internet to the streets of 15 Polish cities. Posters with Romani women and Roma can be seen, among others, in Warsaw and Wrocław.

Lety Testimonies

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In 1942, eighteen-year-old Romni Bozena Růžičková was sent to the “gypsy” concentration camp in Lety u Písek. She was pregnant but had to face beatings and go to hard work, breaking stones on a road construction site. On October 16, 1942, she gave birth to a baby girl at the “marodka” with the help of an older fellow inmate, whom she named Markéta. He daughter died two months later of typhus.

Witch School

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In Romania, women from the impoverished Roma community see witchcraft as a means of taking social revenge. Under construction since 2011, the first witch school in the world aims to preserve their traditions. Between feminist discourse, 2.0 spells and commodified folklore, it is difficult to see clearly in the land of the occult.