Daily Archives: July 17, 2024

Slovakia, Roma, and Health

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The Slovak Ministry of Health reacted to the comments of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Michael O’ Flaherty, who, after a recent visit to Slovakia, called on the Slovak authorities to urgently address the “terrible living conditions” of thousands of Roma, and improve their access to health.

The ministry said they would support programs for “socially excluded groups”.

Let’s see.

Serbia: Brawl

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During the evening hours in Ljubić polje in Čačak, South Serbia, there was a massive brawl between Roma which left two people injured.


Jerzy Ficowski

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The Association of Roma in Poland reacted to the accusations against Jerzy Ficowski published in a book by Dr. Emilia Kledzik, who accused Jerzy Ficowski of excessive interference in the translation of the works of Papusza, i.e. Bronisława Wajs, using the word “forgery”.

The Association stated that “We believe that the allegations presented are unfair and require taking into account the appropriate historical context.”
