Monthly Archives: August 2024

Another View on Ribnica

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The mayor of Ribnica, Samo Pogorelec, says that he will deny the Roma drinking water until he judges that they have earned it through better behaviour.

When the President of the Republic, Nataša Pirc Musar, visited the Roma settlement Lepovče in the municipality of Ribnica at the end of May, she said, among other things: school. If it doesn’t go with the carrot, you also need a bit of a stick, in quotation marks.”

Thes repressive ideas are making headway in Slovenia.

This is bad.

Slovenia, Water, and Crime

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Quite a few discussions in the Slovene press of the action of the Ribnica mayor who said he’d not supply drinking water to settlements as long as Roma do not improve their behaviour. Another mayor said that if people believe that denying drinking water in settlements (that by the way, are de-facto illegal) will encourage children to go to school is not understanding anything about the Roma issue. Another article, on the opposite side bemoans the increased criminality of Roma in the country. On the Slovenian TV, a round table on Roma says that Due to the ineffectiveness of institutions in responding to burglaries, robberies, violence and illegal constructions, mayors and residents are increasingly angry. Where did all the millions that the state distributes to all ends for greater inclusion, employment and education of the Roma go?


Slovenia: New Measures

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The Minister of Justice, Andreja Katič, believes that a change in legislation is not necessary directly because of the Roma issue. Several legislative changes and innovations are being prepared, including the law on juvenile offenders and changes to criminal legislation, she said after a meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Boštjan Poklukar.


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The mayor of the municipality of Ribnica, Samo Pogorelc said in today’s program Studio at 5 p.m. on Radio Slovenija, in which they talked about Roma issues, that he received death threats on Wednesday, which he had already reported to the police. Interior Minister Boštjan Poklukar condemned the threats.

Who threatened him is unclear.

Slovenia: New Measures

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The Slovenian government is preparing several measures in the field of Roma issues. The Ministry of Labor announces the opening of new multi-purpose Roma centres and three new day centres for children from the Roma community, while the Ministry of Education announces several changes to the law on elementary schools.

Let’s see what this brings …

Slovenia: An accord

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In the town of Ribnica, in Southeastern Slovenia, Roma organizations and the management of the municipality met at a joint meeting. Among other things, they agreed that the municipality will provide drinking water to two settlements when the residents there meet a set of requirements. The municipality requires that Roma, among other things, be get involved in the integration process, send their children to school regularly, clean up the settlement and determine land boundaries.

In brief: So that the municipality provides a service that is due to all its residents, Roma have to fulfil some criteria. Especially the integration one, how will they measure that?

Slovakia, Jobs, and Roma

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A Roma NGO tested the anti-Roma racism in the Slovak labour market. They created 4 CVs (2 men, 2 women one of each being Rom), and sent these applications for 100 open jobs available in various platforms.

Well, Roma got a much lower response rate than non-Roma. Non-Roma man: 92% response; non-Roma woman: 89%. Rom: 68%; Romni: 62%.

Greece and Roma

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A horrible article relating the violent burglary of a German’s house near Corinth, Greece. This is the start of a diatribe against Roma, with all stereotypes, advocating stricter laws, deprivation of civil rights, and cuts of social benefits.


Slovenia: Civil Initiative

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Since in their views, the state’s measures in the field of solving the Roma problem have been unsuccessful, the Regional Civil Initiative for solving the Roma problem demands that the government invite them to a meeting within a month. “We want to check whether they will accept the proposals formulated by the 11 mayors of the southeast region,” explained Silva Mesojedec: “If the government does not accept us, we will no longer prevent the creation of village guards and other forms of organizing residents.”

The proposal was refused on the grounds that it singled out a minority, i.e. was not conform to the constitution.

Slovenia: Paranoia

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During a municipal holiday in a town in Slovenia, visitors were faced with a list of items that they could not bring with them. These included even umbrellas. Apparently, the authorities were concerned that Roma could start a riot …

Slovenia: Another point of View

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An article that brings it to the point. It says that politicians and media speak as if the Slovenian side is doing everything for Roma, and now Roma themselves must take a step forward and prove themselves morally to the state.

Slovenian state institutions, from centres for social work through schools to ministries, do implement certain programs, but they are not coordinated among themselves and in most cases, they do not cooperate with the Roma when drawing up plans.

In reality, Roma often do not have a water supply or electricity in their settlements, nor are these legally regulated. Their children face discrimination in schools, the school system does not take into account their language needs and finally they are excluded due to failure, which is often the result of language problems. Thus, we blame the Roma for not sending their children to school, and throw out the Roma children who are in school.

Roma Poesy

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At the third gathering of the Romanipen Literary Club, held on August 24 at the Center for Creative Joy in Novi Sad, the members discussed the works of the two most famous Roma poets – Bronislawa Wajs Papusza and Slobodan Berberski. These two authors, although close in terms of the time in which they lived, represent different approaches to poetry, which was the central topic of discussion at this gathering.

Apatin, Serbia

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Roma from Apatin once again proved that they are great hosts. They held a spectacular “Roma night”. The streets were filled with people, the gates and yards were wide open, and the sounds of music and laughter echoed through the settlement.  The main venue was full, while the sounds of songs and dances of barefoot children rang out from the stage, creating a unique atmosphere.

Czech Politics

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On Monday afternoon, Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) visited the infamous Mojžíř housing estate in Ústí, where a large group of Roma live and where unemployment lies at around 80%. He heard complaints from some of the old settlers about the mess, the smell and the swearing. The visit was planned to start the campaign for the autumn regional elections.

Roma Memory Map

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A delegation of Roma human rights defenders from five countries in North and South America visited Poland and the Czech Republic from August 1 to 11. The main reason for her arrival was the 80th anniversary of the extermination of the so-called “gypsy camp” in Auschwitz-Birkenau. During its trip, the delegation also presented the Roma Memory Map in America project, which shows places associated with Roma life in North and South America. So far, 29 places are described on the map, and their number will continue to expand.

The Roma “Issue”

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There are more and more demands for changes in the legislation to fight the perceived Roma “issue” and “violence”. These are requested by both mayors and individuals.  Last fall, the National Assembly rejected a package of laws with which 11 municipalities from Southeastern Slovenia and Posavija wanted to change the legislation that also touches on Roma issues. The rejection was due to the fact that the proposed changes were directly aimed at the minority. At the time, the government indirectly promised that it would prepare its changes by the end of the year, but these have not yet been publicly presented, nor is it known when or if they will be.

  • Ob zaostrovanju romskih vprašanj vse več zahtev po spremembah zakonodaje. In: Radio Odeon. 25.08.2024.

Slovenia and Roma

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Another one of those bad news: Apparently, a group of young Roma surrounded a young boy, and, was blackmailed and humiliated. Why this happened is not said, only that the boy had been “loud”.

A Baker in Hungary

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Hungary’s favourite Roma baker has been nominated for a prestigious award. Alex Galamb, a Roma baker from Borsod, has chosen a new direction: he will work as a vocational teacher at his former school, the Márton Agricultural and Geographical Vocational School in Debrecen.

Artificial Intelligence

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The Czech SPD movement, qualified as neo-fascist by some news agencies, has been using artificial intelligence again to produce images which it then used in its political campaign. After the “imported surgeon”, an African migrant with a knife, this time it shows Roma children with cigarettes. The photo’s caption says: “They say let us go to school, but ours are on the hook”. The non-profit organization Romeo, which has already sent a criminal complaint, has already spoken out against the image.