Daily Archives: August 19, 2024

Croatia: Brawl

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A fight between two Roma families was filmed in Bjelovar, Croatia. The fight left several wounded, and a few arrested. One man is now accused of attempted murder, after he shot and wounded another in this fight.


Slovenia: Repression?

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The former leader of the Slovenian Communist Party, Milan Kučan said about the Roma “problem”: “I don’t take a particularly dramatic view of this, but above all I think it is inadmissible that, through repression, people are now trying to make the whole Roma community guilty of the incidents of individuals.” He opposes the proposed creation of village guards in the regions with Roma settlements.

Slovenia and Roma

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Roma families protests in front of the Ribnič municipality began more than fifteen years ago, and their demands have always been the same, namely that the local authority should solve their housing problems.

The Union of Roma of Slovenia is now trying to calm the strained relations between the local authorities and the local Roma. Their representatives visited two Roma settlements in Ribnica yesterday and advised the local residents not to intensify their protest. They suggested that they first establish a dialogue with the mayor, with whom they had already agreed on a joint meeting.

Slovakia, Roma, and Social Benefits

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Another article in the Slovak press about a survey on social benefits that dismantles the misconception that financial support for Roma is the main cause of high taxes and public finance deficits in Slovakia. This is a widespread myth in that country.

The survey checked that tamilies with more than three children receive 45 million euros a year through child allowance and parental allowance, which is just a drop in the ocean compared to total public spending. The number of children was chosen as a proxy, as ethnicity is not recorded in the statistics. The reasoning is that while not all families with more than three children are Roma, this will contain many of them.
