Daily Archives: August 23, 2024

Slovenia: A More Differentiated View

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A much more differentiated article about the issues with Roma in Slovenia. It says that after thirty years of deliberate neglect of the minority, politics will now finally agree that something must be done. What the consensus now is, unfortunately is, is to limit and deprive the Roma of social rights, to make life even more difficult in general, and even to adopt stricter criminal legislation especially for them.

Slovenia, Police, and Roma

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At the request of several Slovenian mayors, the Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar visited the municipalities of Ribnica and Kočevje, where he learned about the events of recent weeks. He promised an increased police presence in areas where the situation is expected to worsen due to “some Roma”.

Slovenia, Roma, and Crime

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According to the mayor of Ribnica, Slovenia, there are people who were indicted 17 times but are still at large. This is bad, but what is worse, is that the mayor and the article speaks of Romani crime.

Slovenia and Integration

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Two articles in the Slovene press with two different views. One is asking why in spite of all efforts, integration of the Roma minority failed, while the other questions whether funds earmarked for integration really were used for that …
