Monthly Archives: August 2024

Czech Agency for Social Inclusion

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Roma representatives are complaining that the Agency for Social Inclusion cannot effectively solve the problems of excluded localities. “Roma have a role on a theoretical level, but their real representation is weak,”  according to Marian Dancso, deputy chairman of the Government Council for Roma Minorities. “Solving social exclusion is a self-governing competence of the municipality, we cannot do it for it,” s director Martin Šimáček defends the agency for social inclusion.

We Grow

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The twenty-third meeting of Roma high school and university students called BARUVAS, which means “We grow” in Romani, starts today, August 23. This week-long summer school will be characterized by education, inspiring workshops focused on personal growth, self-knowledge and a deeper understanding of Roma history. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that will offer them new knowledge and skills that they can use in their personal and professional lives.

French Chronicle …

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Very few news this week in France on Roma. The expulsion of 60 Roma who worked in vineyards in the Bordeaux region. Apparently, their fourth expulsion in less than a year. Shame that they cannot be properly lodged. Near Paris, another camp was evacuated, to accommodate the Paris Olympics skatepark.

Slovakia and Roma Literature

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In Slovakia, along Elena Lacková, the pioneer of Roma literature, one finds also Dezider Banga. Several Romane authors have an informal group RÓMSKY LITERÁRNY KLUB (ROLIK), where they have the opportunity to develop their work more intensively and publish it regularly. The documentary film SONG ON THE WIND captures the historical process of the establishment of Romani literature in our society in the form of small portraits of Romani poets and writers.

Hungary and Ukrainian Refugees

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Hungarian Prime Minister Orban had a new decree issued removing the refugee status of Ukrainian in “safe” counties. As a result, quite a few refugees found themselves on the street… Sot this issue? They are all Roma from Transcarpathia, a region Orban claims as his, and they all speak Hungarian.

But are not Hungarian in his view.
Bad and sad. In: Telex. 22.08.2024.

Slovenia: A More Differentiated View

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A much more differentiated article about the issues with Roma in Slovenia. It says that after thirty years of deliberate neglect of the minority, politics will now finally agree that something must be done. What the consensus now is, unfortunately is, is to limit and deprive the Roma of social rights, to make life even more difficult in general, and even to adopt stricter criminal legislation especially for them.

Slovenia, Police, and Roma

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At the request of several Slovenian mayors, the Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar visited the municipalities of Ribnica and Kočevje, where he learned about the events of recent weeks. He promised an increased police presence in areas where the situation is expected to worsen due to “some Roma”.

Slovenia, Roma, and Crime

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According to the mayor of Ribnica, Slovenia, there are people who were indicted 17 times but are still at large. This is bad, but what is worse, is that the mayor and the article speaks of Romani crime.

Slovenia and Integration

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Two articles in the Slovene press with two different views. One is asking why in spite of all efforts, integration of the Roma minority failed, while the other questions whether funds earmarked for integration really were used for that …

Slovenia Working Group

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The members of the interdepartmental working group for dealing with the Roma “issue” called an emergency meeting. The latter was also attended by Prime Minister Robert Golob. They decided to establish a subgroup that will take care of security issues.

Slovenia: About the Attack

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Two articles about the attack on policemen by Roma. The policemen were trying to arrest an underage driver and were prevented by his relatives. The articles bemoan the inaction of the government, the impunity of Roma, and the fact that one of the attacker was released almost immediately after arrest.


Slovenia, Politics, and Roma

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The Slovenian Minister of the Interior Boštjan Poklukar and Deputy Director General of the Police Igor Ciperle will meet today with the management of the municipalities of Kočevje and Ribnica. The topic of the conversation will be the security situation and Roma issues, after several escalations have recently occurred between Roma and the majority population and law enforcement authorities.

Slovenia: Lone Voice

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A lone voice in Slovenia setting context about the Roma “problem”. She states that a summer without particularly prominent problems with illegal migrants brought political activation at the expense of problems with another convenient group, the Roma, who, unlike the first, are considered some kind of imaginary “internal enemies”.

In brief, once is creating some scapegoats based on effective petty criminality, whose causes (exclusion and racism) are totally excluded.


Slovenia and the Roma “Problem”

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We will have to introduce a Slovenian chronicle, akin to the French Chronicle we have been doing due to the high number of articles on the Roma “problem” in the Slovenian press. Thes articles are divided pretty much along party lines. One side says that the issues, and the recent attacks are the result of the current government inaction, while the other side is more differentiated.

Here the view on the government inaction…

Slovakia: Work instead of Benefits

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The project of the current Slovak government to cut benefits of people who refuse job offers, clearly aimed at Roma, is receiving praise in some of the country’s press. Much is done of the “collaboration” and “approval” of the plenipotentiary for Roma.

Fact is, this is very much inspired from neighbouring Hungary where the so-called közmunka – communal work – sees people enrolled in 19th century type of work with 19th century results.


Slovenia and Roma Protests

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Last week in Kočevje, several Roma got into a fight with the police. According to the newspaper, this event was just the tip of the iceberg. Shootings, thefts and robberies are a regular occurrence. In this municipality, Roma have been holding a regular yearly protest to highlight their housing plight. This year, Roma cancelled it.

Slovenia and the Roma “Problem”

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The Slovenian opposition NSi proposes tightening criminal legislation for more serious crimes committed by minors, while the country’s president Nataša Pirc Musar warns against organizing municipals guards.

Roma Bašaven

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On Friday, August 23, Prague 4 will host the fifth edition of the Romany Bashavel event. The event will take place again in the popular Cultural Center on Novodvorská from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The main star will be Slovak rapper and musician P.A.T., who promotes the so-called Roma Rap – a combination of rap and Roma traditional music, which was also accepted by the original fans of his “harder” work. ROMEA TV broadcasts the event live.