Daily Archives: September 4, 2024

Slovenia, Crime, and Politics

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The Minister of Internal Affairs, Boštjan Poklukar, met with representatives of the regional civil initiative for solving the Roma issue from Novi Mesto, Kočevje, Brežice, Grosuplje, Šentjernej and Škocjan. After the meeting, Poklukar said that the meeting was constructive and that he was happy about the dialogue, while the representative of the civil initiative Novo mesto Silvo Mesojedec expressed several criticisms of the inaction of all Slovenian governments so far and announced the escalation of activities.

Slovenia and Roma

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Another expert on the Roma problem. This one says that one needs a new healthy approach to the issues. Bu he also says that in Kočevje, someone said, if you don’t give me water, the children won’t come to school. Children are a means of extortion, as well as a part of the family economy.

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Schools in Slovakia

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With a camera, the staff of Slovak Television went to the village of Rakúsy in the Kežmar district to see the beginning of the school year. In the Osada (the Roma settlement), the number of pupils is increasing. Due to limited capacity, the school has two-shift teaching.
