Daily Archives: September 6, 2024

Slovenia and Roma

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At an extraordinary session, with 50 votes in favour and 29 against, the parliament adopted the recommendations on the effectiveness of dealing with Roma issues, which proposes to the government to prepare systemic measures by amending the Act on Municipal Financing. At the end of the several-hour debate, which at times devolved into political reckoning, two amendments from the opposition were not accepted.

Croatia: Integration

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The “Join II” project brings activities aimed at the integration of the Roma community. Since March of this year, the Centre for Missing and Abused Children has continued to implement the “Join II” project, in cooperation with the Roma Resource Center (RRC). The goal of the project is to encourage the integration of the Roma community and strengthen social cohesion through diverse activities.

School Segregation in Czechia

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In the Czech Republic, there are still 130 segregated schools where Roma make up at least a third of the students. Veronika Hlaváčová’s documentary brings the experiences of Roma whose children ended up in such classes and points to the vast differences in the quality of education.

“Normally, the teacher leaves us there and goes to the office because she has her child there. Completely disinterested,” describes Zdeněk in the documentary. He attends the eighth grade along with 14 other Roma. “We come to school, the teacher comes, we have mathematics and he tells us, for example, to write something down and we do whatever we want for the rest of the lesson,” he adds.


Roma and Politics

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Roma in Europe cannot rely on the support of traditional political parties and must build their own political power in order to gain more influence on political events. Željko Jovanović, director of the Roma Foundation for Europe, stated in an interview for the first Roma internet television, ROMEA TV, in connection with the fact that after 20 years the Roma have no representative in the European Parliament, Jovanović also emphasized the need to strengthen the economic potential of Roma and Roma women and develop their cultural identity.
