Daily Archives: September 12, 2024

Slovenia: A Successful Settement?

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The local community of Pušča shows a rather different image of a Roma settlement compared to the Roma settlements in Dolenjsko. In the village there is a shop, a fire brigade, a football club and also a bookstore. The kindergarten, which has been around for more than 60 years, is especially important.

In the Romano kindergarten in Pušča, in addition to the teachers, there is also a Roma helper who makes sure that the children from the village get used to everyday life in the kindergarten as soon as possible.

Nice, but this is segregated schooling, which is not good.


Slovenia: Another View on a Roma Settlement

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We are not all the same, say the Roma at the community center in the Brezje Roma settlement in Novo Mesto. The coordinator for Roma groups at the DRPD, Elzana Adnan Odjoski, deals with them there. She runs a program aimed at teenagers and young mothers, in which young people from the age of 15 are involved.

The young mothers agree that their children should go to kindergarten, but not to a Roma kindergarten, but to a normal kindergarten, where they get to know other children and learn the language at the same time. They also said that “Some talk to us, some don’t even look at us, and some immediately run away when they see us”.

School Bully

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A young Rom who injured a ninth-grader at the Velika Dolina primary school in the municipality of Brežice in Slovenia no longer attends the school, principal Anja Zevnik confirmed for STA. HE has been moved to another  school. This prompts the media to ask if his is a good solution and whether he will be less violent in the new environment.
