Daily Archives: October 8, 2024

Congress in Croatia

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Congress in Croatia

The fifth jubilee Congress of young Roma women and men was held in Zagreb from October 4 to 6, 2024. The common denominator of the thematic units that will be woven through lectures and group work is Roma identity – what makes it and how to preserve it. Under the slogan “youth for the youth”, lecturers Ardijan Gaši, Talita Jašarevski, Matej Čolig and Anesa Šabani talked about the Romanes, folklore, nurturing traditions and customs, about the written word, Roma writers and journalists, and, unfortunately, still present discrimination against the Roma community.

Ukraine: Registration

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Ukraine: Registration

An article about the current registration drive of Roma who had no identity papers in Transcarpathian Ukraine. According to the article, documentation of Roma remains one of the priority tasks for the Migration Service of the Transcarpathian Region. Often, the necessary procedure is complicated by the fact that the first passport is obtained already after reaching the age of 18 – this is almost every second application of the Roma. In this case, particularly painstaking work with the available documents and a mandatory procedure for identification are required.

One of the side effects, is that many of these Roma can then flee the country.

Concert in Slovakia

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Concert in Slovakia

The Žilina State Chamber Orchestra led by conductor Adrian Kokoš, the Sendreiovci band and the Čerchenóra choir will meet on stage in the program Sláva Solovica: Roma Songs. This is a mix of classical music and Roma tunes and improvisations.
