The case of an alleged attack by a teacher on a 12-year-old Roma primary school student is moving the people of Kory in the Kroměříž region these days. The locals’ view of this case is not uniform. Some people are surprised that the teacher allowed himself to be provoked, others are of the opinion that it is a fictional event and the attack did not take place.
Roma say this was racism.
- Kauza údajného útoku učitele na žáka hýbe Koryčany, čtveřice sourozenců zatím nechodí do školy. In: Novinky. 08.10.2024.
- Otec „zbitého“ romského žáka z Koryčan se chtěl mstít násilím, škola vinu učitele vyloučila. In: CNN. 09.10.2024.