Daily Archives: November 12, 2024

Lety Memorial

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The Museum of Roma Culture received a prestigious award in the Building of the Year 2024 competition for the newly opened Roma and Sinti Holocaust Memorial in Bohemia, located in Lety u Písek. The monument received the Award of the Chairman of the Senate of the Czech Republic for an extraordinary social contribution. The award is recognition for an important step in the commemoration of the Roma and Sinti Holocaust and an effort to bring the historical events associated with the Nazi genocide of the Roma and Sinti in our country closer to the general public.

Slovenia and Roma Workers

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Slovenia and Roma Workers

An article about Unemployment programs and their success in enrolling people in long term jobs. Well, for Roma it doesn’t seem to work. And in Slovenia, one often hears that Roma are not interested in working. Maybe it’s the employers who are not interested in Roma…

Slovenia and Stereotypes

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Slovenia and Stereotypes

In discussions about the Roma community, there are constant warnings about the need to improve the educational picture. Available estimates on the involvement of Roma in education show that the gap between Roma and the majority population is very large. Despite this, the situation has been slowly improving in recent years, and there are big differences within the Roma community. There is no official data.

“The myth that Roma are uneducated is not true,” Jože Horvat Muc, president of the Roma Association, told STA. As he estimated, there are “quite a few Roma who are educated” in Prekmurje. In the southeast of the country, however, the reality is different, as there are more Roma who do not finish school, he admitted.
