Daily Archives: January 10, 2025

Czechia: School Segregation

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Czechia: School Segregation

The Czech Republic has been struggling with the problem of segregation of Roma children in education for more than fifteen years. The judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in the case of D. H. and others v. the Czech Republic from 2007 clearly identified the practice at that time as discriminatory. Instead of accepting this challenge as an opportunity for change, we resorted to writing strategies, plans and reports that remained only on paper. Despite tens of millions of crowns invested in various action plans, the reality is still the same.

Children from Roma families often find themselves in segregated schools that offer them a lower quality education. The consequences are devastating – these children remain trapped in a cycle of poverty and social exclusion, while society loses their potential. Moreover, segregation is not just a problem in primary schools. This phenomenon also continues in secondary schools, where the socio-economic background of families and place of residence play a major role.

Poland: Memorial

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Poland: Memorial

In 1944, the Germans murdered a group of escaping Roma in the forest between Zasów, Dąbrówka Wisłocka and Nagoszyn. Today, the place where the Roma died is commemorated by a memorial stone and a cross. It is still unknown how many people are buried in this grave. Photo.

This tragic story took place in the winter of 1943 in Dębica. A group of Roma who had been living in the town for several years were informed in March 1943 by an unknown resistance group that the Germans were planning to murder them. They were advised to leave Dębice for their own safety and move to the Mielec district. Unfortunately, that year the winter was very frosty and the Gypsies postponed their departure. In the first days of April, a sudden warming came, the snow began to melt quickly and the roads began to become impassable. Despite these unfavourable conditions, the Gypsies, fearing for their own lives, decided not to wait any longer. They prepared their camps, carriages and horses for the journey. Entire families set off – men, women, the elderly and small children. Everyone left the city with the hope of saving their lives. They were unfortunately caught and slaughtered.

Litzmannstadt Ghetto: 83rd Anniversary

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Litzmannstadt Ghetto: 83rd Anniversary

On Thursday (9 January) a commemoration for the 83rd  anniversary of the liquidation of the Roma camp in 1942, ceremonies were held in front of the so-called Roma Forge on Wojska Polskiego Street in Łódź. 5,000 Roma and Sinti from Austria were sent to the camp established in November 1941 in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. They all died.
