Daily Archives: February 28, 2025

Czechia, Roma, and Social Benefits

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Czechia, Roma, and Social Benefits

Approximately 40 Roma men and women met in a cinema in Hrádek nad Nisou on Friday, February 21, to discuss the current situation of Roma in the Czech Republic. The main topics were social benefits reform, a very controversial one, employment, and equal status of Roma in society. One of the organizers of the meeting, Miroslav Tancoš, announced on this occasion that he plans to establish a new Roma political party.

Slovakia, Roma, and Politics

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Slovakia, Roma, and Politics

The Freedom and Solidarity Party (SaS) points out the government’s failure to address Roma issues. On Wednesday, at a press conference in the village of Doľany in Spiš, MP Vladimír Ledecký (SaS) pointed out that the government plans to invest 1.1 billion euros over the next three years as part of the Action Plan for the Strategy for Equality and Inclusion and Participation of Roma in projects that, according to him, will not help this population group in any way.

He pointed out that these expenses are not explained or justified in any way. He is therefore submitting a resolution to the National Council of the Slovak Republic, which responds to “the passivity of government officials and the inefficient use of resources intended for supporting the Roma community”.

Council of Europe and Roma

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Council of Europe and Roma

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Michael O’Flaherty released today three Memoranda examining the human rights situation of Roma and Traveller communities in Finland, Ireland and Slovakia. Each Memorandum presents country-specific findings and recommendations based on the Commissioner’s visits to these countries, addressing pressing human rights concerns faced by the communities.
