Daily Archives: March 19, 2025

Black Butterfly

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Black Butterfly

Kiba Lumberg’s novel entitled Black Butterfly (Musta perhonen)., describes the oppression of women in the patriarchal community of Finnish Roma.

“My curse and blessing is that I was born a Roma woman,” begins the story of Memesa Grönlund, the main character of the novel. It tells the story of a girl growing up in the Kale Roma community in the city of Lappeenranta in eastern Finland. Memesa describes life in their patriarchal community, the relationships between her and the rest of her family, but also the bullying she encounters at home and at school.

Slovenia, Roma, and Schools

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Slovenia, Roma, and Schools

Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Luka Mesec presented a package of measures to address Roma issues in Novo mesto. Among the measures, a new one will allow  to consider failure to attend primary school as child neglect. The minister said that this can have serious legal consequences. The proposal also envisages the mandatory inclusion of Roma children in kindergarten one year before entering school.

Slovakia: Deaf Roma

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Slovakia: Deaf Roma

A conference entitled We Create a Community of Deaf Roma Together: Deaf Roma as an Invisible Minority was dedicated to discussing the challenges faced by the deaf Roma community, as well as finding concrete solutions supporting inclusion. It will took place on Tuesday in a café on Svätopluková Street in Prešov. As the director of the civic association Svet ticha Tomáš Dunko it also highlighted the results of mapping deaf Roma living in socially excluded localities.

According to Dunko, who is deaf and sign language Roma, this is a relatively new topic that is little known in Slovakia. But it affects a large number of people who experience linguistic and social isolation without sufficient support from the state and society.
