Author Archives: RF

Moldova and Roma

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According to the executive director of the National Association of Public Mediators Valeriu Celdararu, education is one of the most acute problems of the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova. According to him, about 80% of the Roma population is illiterate, and due to lack of education they cannot get a job, respectively, cannot access medical services, and fall into a vicious circle of poverty and exclusion.
Never mind that no one agrees how many Roma live in Moldova, which casts a doubt on the 80%, there are many poor uneducated Roma in the country.

– Заявление: Образование является одной из самых острых проблем сообщества ромов. In: NOI. 12.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Whom do Poles Like?

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A recent survey about the sympathies of Poles towards others clearly shows that Roma and Moslems are at the bottom of their liking. Roma are seen favourably by 17% of the respondent to the survey.
In a country which has a tiny Roma minority …

– Kogo Polacy lubią, a kogo nie? In: Do Reczy. 07.02.2019.
– Ranking narodowych sympatii. Najbardziej lubimy Czechów. Najmniej Romów i Arabów. In: Najvizszy Czas. 11.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Music and Protest

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A new video by the Romani Music group “Bengas” protests against the racist and extremist policies against Roma that exist in many states.
We definitively need more protests!

– Romani band Bengas issues new video protesting racist attacks after performer moves away from the Czech Republic. In: Romea. 09.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Invisible Roma

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The “invisible Roma”, i.e. the integrated ones but also a group of Roma in Slovakia, are formally protesting against the derogatory terms used by Andrey Danko against a fellow parliament member.

– Slovakia: “Invisible Roma” protest insult by the speaker of Parliament. In: Romea. 10.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and Roma

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An article on the fallout of the controversy around Andrey Danko who called a fellow member of parliament a derogatory “ciganočka”.
The question asked here is what terminology is acceptable, and the influence of the terminology on the integration of Roma.

– Korektný jazyk a politické súboje. In: Nazory Pravda. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Alina Serban

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The Romani actress Alina Serban is making the headlines in the Belgian press and is contributing to a change of representation of Roma in that country.

– Alina Serban, conteuse d’histoires. In: Le Soir. 06.02.2019.
– “Seule à mon mariage”, l’autre réussite belge de Cannes. In: L’Echo. 07.02.2019.
– “Seule à mon mariage” sur les grands écrans dés mercredi. In: RTC. 05.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Greece and Moslems

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An article about a small town in the North East of Greece with a large Turkish speaking Moslem minority which comprises Turks, but also Roma and Pomaks, the latter being Slavs converted to Muslim religion.

– A Komotini, la minorité musulmane sert de baromètre des relations gréco-turques. In: Euronews. 04.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

UN, Kosovo, and Roma

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The UN has still not compensated Kosovo Roma who were placed in camps that were heavily polluted resulting in serious health problems and malformations. The camps were run by the UN in Mitrovica.

– A la Une: en Bosnie, une chape de plomb est retombée sur la Republika Srpska. In: RFI. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

French Chronicle …

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Not much this week in the French Press on Roma. An article in Libération investigates the views of the French state on Roma – albeit using itself derogatory terminology. In the North of France, a mayor who made derogatory comments on Roma in 2013 has problems with the justice, and his town is paying for it (yes!). Then more usual news, with a clean-up on a site of a former camp and a respite for some Roma near Paris.

– Est-ce ainsi que les gitans nous parlent ? In: Libération. 04.02.2019.
– À Croix, le contribuable va payer pour le dérapage du maire. In: Nord Éclair. 08.02.2019.
– Terrain occupé par les Roms à Isles-lès-Villenoy : les déchets enfin retires. In: 07.02.2019.
– Bobigny : un délai accordé aux familles roms de la rue de Paris. In: Le Parisien. 04.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

More on RomArchive

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Another contribution on RomArchive.

– Sinti und Roma als Storyteller in eigener Sache. In: Deutschland Rundfunk. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

UK and Travellers

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More on the plans of the UK government to criminalise illegal camping by travellers.

– Why the government has a ‘lazy and populist’ approach towards unauthorised traveller sites. In: Environment Journal. 08.02.2019.
– Travellers say they ‘live in fear’ as government plans tough new powers for unauthorised encampments. In: Get Surrey. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

Bulgaria: Integration ????

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More on the controversial proposal of Roma Integration presented by the deputy prime minister. He also proposes free abortions to Roma women …
No comments …

– Bulgaria’s deputy PM proposes free abortions for Roma women to control birth rate. In: Daily Sabah. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Lithuania and Holocaust

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The Lithuanian Department of National Minorities has proposed the introduction of August 2nd as a national day of remembrance of the Roma Holocaust.

– Департамент нацменьшинств Литвы предлагает включить в памятные даты день геноцида ромов. In: RU.DELFI. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Valls, Barcelona, and Roma

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Manuel Valls, former French Prime Minister, is courting the votes of Roma – yes really. He who expulsed 27’000 of them while in France …

– Valls utiliza a los gitanos de la Mina para hacer campaña y se le vuelve en contra. In: El Nacional. 04.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: Trial

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The criminal proceedings against the perpetrator of the attack against a Roma camp in Lviv which left one Rom dead have started in Kiev.

– У Львові судять підозрюваних у нападі на табір ромів. In: UNN. 08.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Integration?

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Bulgarian nationalists have presented a “Roma Integration Plan” which foresees cutting welfare and destroying “illegal” housing.
Really? And this in the EU?

– Bulgarian Nationalists’ Roma ‘Integration’ Plan Dismays Rights Advocates. In: Balkan Insight. 07.02.2019. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia and OECD (2)

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A more positive coverage on the OECD report on Slovakia with good growth expectations and some homework regarding the integration of Roma.

– OECD o Slovensku: Vysoký rast, nutnosť zlepšiť integráciu Rómov. In: Spravy. 05.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and OECD

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First of two views on the current OECD report covering Slovakia. Basically, Slovakia could and should do better at integrating Roma.

– Správa OECD odhaľuje nedostatky v politikách zameraných na integráciu Rómov. In: Euraktiv. 06.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Jail ?????

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A new plan in the UK foresees the possibility of jailing travellers for setting up illegal camps.

– CAMP CRACKDOWN. Travellers could be jailed for setting up unauthorised camps under new plans from Home Secretary Sajid Javid. In: The Sun. 07.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]

Italy – Protests

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On February 7th, Roma will protest in Venice in front of the regional parliament of the Veneto region against the evictions and ask for the implementation of the European structural Framework Agreements.

– Venezia: manifestazione Rom, Sinti e Caminanti contro il Decreto Sicurezza. In: Imola Oggi. 04.02.2019. [link-preview url=””]