Category Archives: Europe

Slovakia, Osada, and the EU

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Following a monitoring visit to Slovakia, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Michael O’Flaherty called for an urgent housing solution for the Roma, who often live in unsatisfactory conditions without sewage or access to drinking water.

Following a monitoring visit to Slovakia, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Michael O’Flaherty called for an urgent housing solution for the Roma, who often live in unsatisfactory conditions without sewage or access to drinking water.

Let’s see …

EU, Balkans, and Roma

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North Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani, in his role as co-chair of the Berlin Process, delivered the opening speech of the ministerial meeting dedicated to Roma integration hosted in Tirana, Albania. He said that “Roma are an integral part of our societies. Without any excuses, we must take concrete political and legal measures to increase their involvement in all social events. Integration with the EU is a common path and the Roma cannot be left aside. As countries aspiring to EU membership, we must demonstrate an effective regional concept of Roma integration, with visible progress in the areas of education, employment, health and housing for Roma.”

Google Translate Romanes

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Nice to see that google translate allows for translations in Romanes. It definitively has a bias towards Vlach Romanes, which is not the most common Romanes, but this is a good start! The choices of words on World, to think, and a few others show this bias, but on the other hand, they still use the old Romanes for “life”, which is not Vlach.

Wonder how this was compiled…

European Elections and Roma

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The news server provided a detailed analysis of the results of the European Parliament elections from the point of view of the Roma minority through a special podcast. Journalists, political analysts and representatives of the Roma community took part in the discussion.

The results of the EP elections from the point of view of the Roma were evaluated on Wednesday evening by: journalist Jarmila Balážová, political scientist Edita Stejskalová, former social worker Jan Houška and founder of the Be Heard initiative Petr Banda. The podcast was presented by Zdeněk Ryšavý, editor-in-chief of the news server

EU Parliament: No Roma

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For the first time since 2004, there are no Roma representatives from Eastern Europe. There were several candidates for the European Parliament from different countries:

Czech Republic: David Beňák for the ANO movement, Ivana Batthyány for the Left and Jaroslav Miko for the Mayors.

Slovakia: Peter Pollák and Dominik Lakatoš for the Volt party.

Hungary: Bogdán Csaba from the Tiszla movement.

Bukgaria: Vanya Grigorová

They all failed to be elected.

Željko Jovanović on European Elections

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The president of the Roma Foundation of Europe is appealing politicians to involve Roma in upcoming European elections. He says there are more Roma in Europe than citizen of several smaller European countries, and that in several places, they make 10% of the population.

Czechia: Debate

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On Wednesday, June 5, Romani internet television, ROMEA TV, broadcasted a live debate of three Romani candidates running for seats in the European Parliament. All candidates accepted the invitation to the debate: Ivana Batthyány (Left), David Beňák (ANO) and Jaroslav Miko (STAN).

European Elections

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David Beňák, a prominent figure of the Czech Roma community, is a candidate for the European Parliament for the ANO movement, the party of the former prime minister and businessman Babiš.

He wants to effectively fight against discrimination in Brussels. According to him, this applies not only to Roma in the Czech Republic. According to him, the solution could be high fines.

He mentioned that the Roma have a problem with the current coalition of five, and that they sympathize with the ANO movement, under whose government, according to them, “it was better”.

European Elections

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The organization RomanoNet, an umbrella platform of Roma and pro-Roma non-profit organizations and initiatives, in cooperation with one of its member organizations, ROMEA, launched the awareness and motivational campaign Me žav! on May 20. Its goal is, in the form of short videos, to contribute to increasing the participation of Roma voters in the elections to the European Parliament, which will take place on June 7 and 8, 2024.

Roma Week in Brussel

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A video of the  Roma week in Brussel from 9 to 11 April. Organized by the ERGO network, this annual event provides a platform to raise awareness of the reality faced by Roma, Sinti and Travelers across Europe. Representatives of non-profit organizations and civil society, representatives of European institutions and international entities meet on the occasion of International Roma Day.

ODHIR and Roma Vote

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With Roma and Sinti political participation still marginal in many places and elections taking place this year in almost half of OSCE countries, it is more important than ever that Roma and Sinti have the opportunity to participate in elections and help shape their societies for the better, stated the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on the occasion of International Roma Day.