Category Archives: News Americas


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The upcoming John Wick film “Ballerina”, featuring actors Ana de Armas, Ian McShane, Norman Reedus and Anjelica Huston. What does this have to do with Roma?

Well, the main character “has been trained in the assassin methods of the Russian Roma”. This is de-facto profiling Roma and misrepresenting them.

Besides the fact that killing people is not part of Romani culture.


Roma Memory Map

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A delegation of Roma human rights defenders from five countries in North and South America visited Poland and the Czech Republic from August 1 to 11. The main reason for her arrival was the 80th anniversary of the extermination of the so-called “gypsy camp” in Auschwitz-Birkenau. During its trip, the delegation also presented the Roma Memory Map in America project, which shows places associated with Roma life in North and South America. So far, 29 places are described on the map, and their number will continue to expand.

Roma Memory Map

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Presentation of the Roma Memory Map for America, which is a project created from the contributions and engagement of Roma, Roma and pro-Roma civic organizations, human rights defenders, academics, public officials and other members of the public, August 8, 2024, Prague.

Roma Memory Map

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Making the presence and history of the Roma community in South and North America visible is the goal of the Memory Map Roma for America. It captures the places that are important to the Roma communities living in the given countries. Martin Fotta from the Ethnological Institute of the Academy of Sciences, who participated in the creation of the map, said this at today’s presentation.

Roma in the USA

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The Roma organization Rom Sam Yekh organized a debate in New York about the future of the Roma in the USA. The event was organized on the occasion of International Roma Day. The main meeting of activists and experts took place on April 22 in Brooklyn and discussed the education, identity, traditions and rights of the American Roma.

“This evening is not about me, it is not about my family, it is not about my community. This evening is intended to raise awareness of the fact that Roma are united, that is, all Roma are one nation. Even though we have different cultures, we are all one,” said Michael Ciuraru, the main organizer and co-founder of the Roma Sam Yekh group, which deals with the education, culture and history of the Roma in the United States, in an interview with ROMEA TV.

Ethel Brooks

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Ethel Brooks is now a professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey. People of Roma origin often face racist prejudices that make it impossible for them to rise in the professional hierarchy. Ethel also had such problems. “It very often happened to me that some of my classmates told me: “Gypsy, your place is in the corner!”, she says. When she tells the story, there is no anger in her voice, but the sadness is palpable.

Well done.

Google Translate Romanes

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Nice to see that google translate allows for translations in Romanes. It definitively has a bias towards Vlach Romanes, which is not the most common Romanes, but this is a good start! The choices of words on World, to think, and a few others show this bias, but on the other hand, they still use the old Romanes for “life”, which is not Vlach.

Wonder how this was compiled…

Google and Romanes

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Romanes is finally in Google Translate: The biggest language expansion in history! Google added 110 new languages.

Whoopi Goldberg

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A plethora of articles in the press about Whoopi Goldberg use of the term “gypped” on live TV. She was referring to Donald Trump’s follower who, according to Whoopi are “people who still believe that he got, you know, gypped somehow in the election.”

She apologised.

A Reminder

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An article that is not about Roma, but is a reminder of what the truth about Hitler and his racial policies are. This is addressed to Ye (formerly Kayne West) who repeatedly has been praising Hitler.

Well, he, like many of the Nazis admirers, should better inform themselves first.

Racial Profiling

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Unicorn Riot, a left wing media collective that originated online in 2015 and which is known for reporting on far-right organizations and sources of racial and economic injustice in the US uncovered several cases of racial profiling of Roma in the US. They also found an illegal database of Roma, held privately. Needless to say, Roma are all thieves and scammers.

This is bad.