Category Archives: Bosnia


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Schooling is difficult for Roma in Bosnia. In Modrički Lug, a van was is planned to be bought in order to ferry Roma children to the nearby city of Vukosavlje, where they can pursue their school career. There is no upper secondary school in the city, and due to poverty, most cannot afford the transport. The purchase is a local Roma initiative.

– ROMS DE BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE : GRANDE PAUVRETÉ VS. DROIT À L’ÉDUCATION. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 23.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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Pictures and a a story around the celebrations of St. Goerge’s day among Bosnian Roma.

– AP PHOTOS: Bosnian Roma celebrate St. George’s Day. In: The Washington Post. 10.05.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Djudjevan in Berlin

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The Berlin police intervened last Sunday in a park after finding a group of Roma roasting entire lambs on a spit for Djudjevan. They had to leave but other than that, no further actions were taken. The Roma were from Croatia and Bosnia.

– Romi iz BiH in Hrvaške so kar sredi berlinskega parka postavili žar in si pekli ovce. In: Reporter. 09.05.2018.
– Sredi Berlina skupina Romov pekla jagenjčke na ražnju. In: Primorske Novice. 08.05.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Italy and Roma

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Giorgio Halilovic was born on August 12, 1982 in Rome in a camp and was the beneficiary of a EU funded program on integration. In the afternoon of April 12th, 2018, he was arrested by the police, transferred to the Office of the Police Headquarters of Rome and officially expelled from Italy. The next day he was put on an airplane and taken to Sarajevo, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country he had never been to.
This is the new policy of the Five Star movement and of the Rome Mayor Raggi.

– Rom e Sinti: giustizia per Giorgio Halilovic e le famiglie del Camping River. In: Agora. 18.04.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Nazif Mujić

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A commemoration of the life of Nazif Mujić who won a prize at the Berlin Film festival and died recently in utter poverty and a reflection on the current situation of Roma in the Balkans.

– Roma in the Balkans: the story of Nazif. In: Ossevatore Balcanico e Caucaso. 27.03.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Bosnia: Memorandum

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Ten municipalities in Bosnia have signed a memorandum of understanding confirming that they want to involve Roma in the work of local authorities.
Nice, but let’s see what this does. Right now, the situation of Roma in that country is still very bad.

– Local communities must listen to the Roma voices. In: IBNA. 22.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Nazif Mujić Died

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The award winning Bosnian Roma actor Nazif Mujić died last Sundy in utter poverty in Bosnia, five years after having won the silver bear at the Berlin festival.
May he rest in peace.

– Bären-Gewinner Nazif Mujić stirbt mittellos in Bosnien. In: Der Tagesspiegel. 18.02.2018.
– Award-winning Bosnian Roma actor dies penniless. In: The Malay Online. 18.02.2018.
– Nazif Mujić Dies: Bosnian Actor & Berlin Award Winner. In: Deadline. 18.02.2018.
– Berlin: Bosnian Actor and Silver Bear Winner Nazif Mujic Dies at 48. In: The Hollywood Reporter. 18.02.2018.
– La Berlinale pleure l’acteur Nazif Mujic récompensé en 2013. In: Paris Match. 18.02.2018.
– Preminuo Nazif Mujić, dobitnik Srebrenog medvjeda. In: N1. 18.02.2018.
– Preminuo dobitnik “Srebrnog medveda” Nazif Mujić. In: Blic. 18.02.2018.
– Nazif Mujic (1970-2018). In: CM. 19.02.2018.
– Winnaar van Zilveren Beer voor Beste Acteur sterft in armoe. In: GVA. 18.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Bosnia: Roma Rights

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In spite of millions of Euros spent in Bosnia, Roma are still denied fundamental rights in Bosnia. Their situation has not improved in Bosnia, and they are still ostracised by all other Bosnians. This simply shows that nationalistic states are no place for minorities, and proves that Europe is simply looking, definitively not doing anything.


Voluntary Return

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The rate of voluntary returns in Germany has drastically decreased during the year. Germany is still deporting Roma refugees from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and even Kosovo back to their countries following the declaration of these as “safe countries”.
Safe maybe, but not necessarily for Roma.

– Die Zahl der freiwilligen Ausreisen geht stark zurück. In: MDR Aktuell. 22.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Moslems and Europe

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A scholarly work on the Moslem presence in the Balkan in the last two hundred years. And it concerns Roma too, as the fourth largest Moslem minority in the Balkans, after the Albanians, the Bosniaks, and the Turks.

– Revisiting Europe’s Muslim Heartland. In: TOL. 19.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Children in Bosnia

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A reportage on a project of Caritas in Bosnia to help children integrate in the school system. The project is run in ten primary schools in Bosnia.
The article contains the usual views on Roma – better learn rather than beg – and fails to indicate that ten school are only a few of the one needed. But much more, it fails to say that many Roma were victims of the war and were evicted from their original homes.

– Enfants roms de la rue à l’école en Bosnie. In: Swiss Info (SWI). 04.12.2017.à-l-école-en-bosnie/43725562 [link-preview url=”à-l-école-en-bosnie/43725562″]

Bosnia Press Coverage

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An article about the strong bias against Roma in the Bosnian Press and about the stereotypes that are presented in the articles. According to the article, several of these press reports break the code of conduct of journalists.

– Analiza: Kako smo Rome prikazivali u medijima (I). In: Romski Portal Udar. 27.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnia: Some Houses

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The EU funded a series of houses for Roma in Gračanica, Bosnia. Many Roma were driven out of the town during the war and their houses were destroyed.

– EU provides new homes for Roma families in Gračanica. In: European Western Balkan. 04.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnia – Still not safe

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An article highlighting the fact that Bosnia, more than 18 years after the end of the war, is still not safe for Roma to return. Ethnically cleaned countries are not good for minorities.

– Sanel Ahmetovic: «Pour les Roms, la Bosnie n’est pas un pays sûr» In: La Voix du Nord. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Criminal???

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The Italian tax police is not known for being soft. They arrested an elderly Bosnian Romni and confiscated 25’000 EUR she had painfully saved – knowing that she lives below the poverty level. She is 71 years old …

La comunità Rom: “False le accuse contro Djula Ahmetovic” In: Go News. 24.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnian War

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A work of fiction based on the murder of Roma during the Bosnian War. Maybe interesting to read. But good that one speaks about the ethnic cleansing in the Yugoslav wars.

– ‘Testimony’ Fictionalizes Real-Life Oppression of Roma in Yugoslav Wars. In: WUMW. 24.06.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Bosnia and Roma

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A reportage about the dismal living conditions of Roma in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Many Roma were displaced during the war – ethnically cleansed from Serbian regions – and are still living in temporary camps and settlements.

– NEDOSTOJNO ŽIVLJENJE ROMOV V BIH. In: RTV4. 11.06.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Selma Selman’s Art

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An article about the art of a young Bosnian Rromni, Selma Selman. Worthy read!

– Beauty, Brutality and Roma Identity in Selma Selman’s Art. In: Warscapes. 15.03.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnian Rrom Actor

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The Bosnian Rroma actor Nazif Mujic who won a Silver Bear award for Best Actor for his performance in the film ‘An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker’ at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2013 is selling his trophy because he needs money.
A shame for Bosnia and for us all.

– Roma actor sells Silver Bear award to feed kids. In: ENCA. 07.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnia: Rroma Councilor

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A Slovenian article about the first elected Rroma councillor in a municipality in Bosnia. And a long litany of the issues that still remain …
A long way to go …

– Bosanski Rom, ki je postal politik. In: Slovenske Novice. 25.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]