Category Archives: Hungary

World Bank: Improve Opportunities

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World Bank: Improve Opportunities

According to the World Bank, improving opportunities for Rroma children will pay off. According to the bank, the first 1’000 days are particularly important. Education, but also nutrition, and health.

However, stating that Hungary has done a lot is clearly exaggerated, as a simple tour through the countryside in that country will easily show.

International Rroma Day

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International Rroma Day

Some articles on the International Rroma Day yesterday from Hungary, Slovakia, and Serbia.

Science Fiction …

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A Hungarian Fidesz MP speaks of a multi-cultural society in Hungary. What a joke, this is not what they say in Hungary itself. Rroma, Jews, Moslems, refugees, foreigners, all are unwelcome … He says it, the future of Europe depends on European families. And guess what, Jews, Rroma, and Moslems are not European, at least in his eyes.

Not surprising, this is Breizh Info of brown repute…

Hungary: Forgotten People

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Hungary: Forgotten People

A project and a documentary on the situation of poor Hungarians outside of the capital. Unemployed poor people are often equated with Rroma in this country. Truth is, in the countryside, may have no jobs, not only Rroma.

Deported Rroma Family can Return to Canada

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Deported Rroma Family can Return to Canada

A family of Rroma from Hungary who were deported recently is now allowed to return to Canada following the intervention of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Minister, John McCallum.

Rroma Refugees in Canada

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Rroma Refugees in Canada

Following the calls last week to review the rejected asylum claims of Hungarian Rroma in Canada, there seem to be little chances for the ones who were already deported to come back.

Miskolc and a German City

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Miskolc and a German City

Aschaffenburg, a German city which was recently awarded a prize for its engagement for democracy, freedom, and human rights, is celebrating this year the 20th anniversary of its partnership with Miskolc, Hungary. This is problematic, as the city, and more generally Hungary, does not reflect the values for which Aschaffenburg stands …

20% …

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According to a report of the Roma Education Fund, only 20% of Rroma complete their secondary education.

20% of what … According to the Hungarian official statistics, there are less than 200’000 Rroma in Hungary. According to the same government, there are more poor Rroma than that and actually, there are 600’000 Rroma in Hungary. The reality is that there are around 800’000 Rroma in Hungary.

So, which 20%?

First News … Bad News from Hungary

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First News … Bad News from Hungary

On the first day of the year, there is good and bad … And the bad, while still having happened in 2015 says that there is work still to be done.

In Gyöngyöspata, a village in North Eastern Hungary, a Rroma house was set ablaze. It is the sixth time this year, and no culprits have been arrested. This is not acceptable!

A Missed Opportunity

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A Missed Opportunity

The former French President, Nicolas Sarkozy again missed a good opportunity to remain silent. He again fumed against immigration, refugees, and Rroma.

Pity that France did not close their border in 1956… He would be playing with Orban in Hungary nowadays!

Sarkozy: More Expulsions

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Sarkozy: More Expulsions

Sarkozy presented his security program should he be re-elected as President of France. Amongst others, he wants more expulsions of Rroma. Pity his policies were not applied when he was a migrant from Hungary …

Womex in Budapest features Rroma on Centre Stage

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Womex in Budapest features Rroma on Centre Stage

For once, Womex, held in Budapest, featured a Rroma band on the centre stage: Romego together with Monika Lakatos. Especially in view of the situation of Rroma in Hungary, well done!

Hungary: Rroma are Potential Terrorists

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Hungary: Rroma are Potential Terrorists

Hungary’s minister of justice Laszlo Trocsanyi sayd on Monday that 12 million Rroma could potentially be joining ISIS (IS/Daech) … If they do so, it would be because they are being discriminated against. But … Rroma never did violence, bombs, and terrorism. There are Rroma Muslims, but they certainly are not radicals. This is purely populism to justify exclusion, segregation, and discrimination.

The minister later recanted, showing that on top of a lack of intellectual logic, he is not really courageous about his opinions.


Please protest!

Hungary: Graft among Rroma Organisations

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Hungary: Graft among Rroma Organisations

Affairs of corruption and graft in the Rroma Autonomy (Roma National Government) are raising questions about this organisation and with the Rroma leadership in Hungary. We have always maintained that this organisation was an alibi …

Hungary: Rroma Prevented from Boarding

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Hungary: Rroma Prevented from Boarding

The Canadians are continuing their policy of denying Rroma boarding to flights from Hungary to Canada. All the while while they are slowly acknowledging that persecutions of this minority do exist in Hungary. Rroma NGos are asking for a refund from the airlines. With right!

SHAME on the Airlines!