Category Archives: Kosovo

Voluntary Return

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The rate of voluntary returns in Germany has drastically decreased during the year. Germany is still deporting Roma refugees from Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and even Kosovo back to their countries following the declaration of these as “safe countries”.
Safe maybe, but not necessarily for Roma.

– Die Zahl der freiwilligen Ausreisen geht stark zurück. In: MDR Aktuell. 22.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Refugees

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The left fraction in the Parliament of Bremen is asking for a moratorium of the forced repatriation of refugees – especially Roma – during the winter months. Germany is forcefully repatriating many Roma from the Kosovo.

– Linke fordert Abschiebestopp. In: Weser Kurier. 29.11.2017.,-linke-fordert-abschiebestopp-_arid,1674459.html [link-preview url=”,-linke-fordert-abschiebestopp-_arid,1674459.html”]

Kosovo and Schools

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The contrast between an Elite school and a school in a Roma neighbourhood.
No Comments.

– Von der Eliteschule ins Roma-Dorf. In: ZDF Heute. 29.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Unfortunately, a standard week in France. And not only outside Paris or Lille, but also in smaller cities. First, an expulsion in St. Etienne, in the centre of France; then in Angers, in Western France, where Kosovo Roma will be expulsed from their camp and in Nantes, were a camp is slowly being closed; in the North of France, a fight for granting Roma children a special tariff in public transports (a tariff that all other school children have) is ongoing; and then, the Paris region with Roma allowed to stay (for the time being) in disaffected hospital buildings in Melun; a new illegal camp along the Marne river; a camp in Bonneuil threatened with closure; and a hefty bill for a clean-up of a former camp in Poissy, on the site of the Paris St. Germain football club training centre.

– Saint-Étienne : six familles Roms expulsées attendent place Jean-Jaurès. In: France Bleu. 19.20.2017.
– Encore des Roms expulsées place Jean Jaurès (VIDEO). In: Zoomdici. 19.10.2017.
– L’expulsion menace le campement rue du Maine. In: Ouest France. 20.10.2017.
– Les Roms de Rezé déménagent en douceur. In: Ouest France. 17.10.2017.
– Vers une solution pour que les écoliers roms bénéficient du tarif solidaire de Transpole ? in: La Voix du Nord. 18.10.2017.
– Transpole refuse la tarification solidaire aux enfants roms, une association alerte. In: La Voix du Nord. 16.10.2017.
– Le directeur de l’hôpital de Melun débouté. Les roms et leurs soutiens soulagés. In: Agora Vox. 20.10.2017.
– Des Roms se sont installés illégalement. In: Actu France. 18.10.2017.
– Bonneuil : les Roms du Bec de canard menacés d’expulsion. In: Le Parisien. 16.10.2017.
– Poissy : la facture pour enlever les déchets déversés sur les terrains du PSG s’annonce salée. In: Le Parisien. 20.10.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Mitrovica and Lead Poisoning

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A long article on a real person poisoned by lead in the UN refugee camp of Mitrovica, Kosovo. She is one of roughly 500 victims, and she needs constant medication for which she has no money.
Shame on the UN.

– Roma in Kosovo: ‘De VN heeft ons ziek gemaakt’. In: NOS. 16.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo Poisoning

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Still no progress – the UN refuses to acknowledge its guilt and much less pay any compensation to the Roma who were settled “as refugees” in a toxic dump that was a UN run “refugee” camp.
About time to pay for it?

– ONU : Dédommager les victimes d’intoxication au plomb du Kosovo. In: Human Rights Watch. 07.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Lead Poisoning

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Another article on the fate of the Roma from Kosovo who are suffering from lead poisoning following their internment in a refugee camp located on a toxic dump. The UN has still not apologised nor compensated them.

– Les Roms ont été empoisonnés par le plomb dans des camps de réfugiés au Kosovo. In: Sciences et Avenir. 20.08.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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Very few news this week on Roma in France. An article about Roma from the Kosovo who had to appear in front of a judge in Angers, in Western France; in Montpellier, the mayor is asking the French state for support to control a Roma camp in the city; in Lille, one of the largest camps has been closed; and finally, Roma pickpockets in Disneyland near Paris.

– L’errance des Roms passe par le tribunal. In: Ouest France. 25.08.2017.
– Camps de Roms à Montpellier : Philippe Saurel perd patience. In: Midi Libre. 27.08.2017.,1552029.php
– Lille: Démantèlement du camp de Roms de Pont-Royal. In: 20 Minutesd (FR). 22.08.2017.
– Le camp de Roms de Pont-Royal a été évacué ce mardi matin. In: La Voix du Nord. 22.08.2017.
– Des pickpockets roumains qui détroussaient des touristes devant la justice. In: Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace. [link-preview url=”″]

Kosovo and Justice

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Two articles on the lead poisoning and its impact. And on the fact that many years after the fact, the UN refuses to apologise or to help these families. It is the UN who chose and ran the refugee camp for Roma on an industrial dump.

– Au Kosovo, les enfants du plomb attendent la justice. In: Euronews. 06.08.2017.
– Les « enfants du plomb » attendent réparation au Kosovo. In: Epoch Times. 08.08.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Kosovo and the UN

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The victims of lead poisoning in the UN refugee camp in Kosovo are still awaiting justice and compensation. The UN had opened a camp for Roma IDPs on an industrial site contaminated by heavy metals.
No apologies, no compensation, nothing has been done.

– Kosovo: les enfants du plomb attendent la justice. In: 24 Heures. 05.08.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Kosovo, Refugees and Lead

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Another article about the lead poisoning suffered by many Roma refugees in Kosovo after having been parked by the UN in a camp build on a toxic waste dump. This has been going on for years and the UN has not done anything yet.

– Roma in Kosovo: ‘My children are poisoned by lead’. In: Al Jazeera. 19.06.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Kosovo Tribunal

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The special tribunal for Kosovo is close to start its work. This tribunal was set up to investigate crimes committed by the UCK and its leaders during the 1999 war. The UCK, besides ethnically cleansing the region committed several crimes against minorities, especially against Roma.

– Le tribunal spécial sur le Kosovo bientôt prêt à commencer ses travaux. In: Le Vif. 28.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo Lead Poisoning: Roma Reactions

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Roma organisations have criticised the lack of actions on the UN part to resolve and compensate the victims of lead poisoning that was the result of the UN opening a camp for Roma in a severely poisoned area of Kosovo.
85 people died.

– Roma Rights Organizations Condemn Lack of UN Action on Lead Poisoning in Kosovo. In: ERRC. 01.06.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Kosovo Relief Fund …

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18 years after the facts, a relief fund is being established for displaced Roma in Kosovo. Well, less than 10% of the overall Roma population is still there. The rest have fled.
To late, to little.

– Secretary-General to Establish Trust Fund for Displaced Roma, Askhali, Egpytian Communities in Northern Kosovo Following Human Rights Panel’s Findings. In: Relief Web. 26.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo – Crimes

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Four people were found guilty of drowning 35 Roma refugees in 1999… A court in Montenegro condemned the people to prison terms – 7 years max.
This, 18 years after the facts

– 4 found guilty for drowning of 35 Kosovo Roma refugees. In: B92. 25.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Kosovo Witnesses

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An article about the dangerous lives of witnesses of UCK crimes in Kosovo. The new tribunal to close the last chapters of the Kosovo war has a problem, as witnesses are regularly intimidated, threatened, and in some prior cases, even killed.
– Zeugen leben in Kosovo gefährlich. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 23.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Kosovo and Lead Poisoning

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The European Roma Right Centre is demanding justice and compensation for the internally displaced Rroma in Kosovo who were quartered by the UN on a site that was severely polluted, resulting in lead poisoning for many of them.
This was 18 years ago!!!!

– ERRC Demands Justice for Kosovo Victims of Lead Poisoning. In: ERRC. 15.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany, Holocaust, and Protests

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In Germany, Rroma protests – for example for the right of refugees from Kosovo an former Yugoslavia – have been held at or around memorial for the victims of the Holocaust.
Not an easy thing, and this is shown in this article.

– Wenn Roma gehört warden. In: Taz. 07.05.2017.!5404345/ [link-preview url=”!5404345/”]

Hotel Gracanica

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An Arte Documentary on the Hotel Gracanica in Kosovo, a hotel run by Rroma and Serbs.

– [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo: Poisoned Rroma

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The Rroma who were forced to resettle is a UN camp and were poisoned by lead that contaminated the site are still awaiting an apology and a compensation. It looks increasingly possible they will get neither.

– Roma Sickened in U.N. Camps Are Still Waiting for Redress. In: The New York Times. 18.04.2017. [link-preview url=”″]