Category Archives: Moldova

Moldova: Stipends

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Moldova: Stipends

93 Roma pupils and students will receive scholarships of 1,200 lei. The scholarships will be provided monthly by the Ministry of Education and Research. According to the authorities, the goal of the initiative is to reduce educational disparities and encourage young Roma to achieve academic success.

93 is not many compared to the Roma population of the country.

Moldova: Flash Mob

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A flash mob took place in the center of Chisinau on July 7. The mostly Roma participants chanted slogans such as “Stop ethnic discrimination!” or “Stop the hate speech. Yes! Stop inciting hatred against Roma. Yes! Stop inciting hatred towards anyone. Yes!”

Moldova, Roma, and Work

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The coalition “Vocea Romilor” (Voice of the Roma) believes that the National Employment Agency should launch a program to simplify the access of Roma to the labour market by organizing a labour exchange at the local level. In addition, national and local programs are needed to prepare young Roma for work in administration and government institutions. The recommendation was made in the context of the presentation of monitoring reports of the Roma Support Program for 2022-2025 in the employment chapter.

Moldova and Education

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Roma pupils and students with good academic performance will receive scholarships of up to 1,200 lei if they pass a competition organized by the Agency for Interethnic Relations. The decision was approved by the Moldovan government.

Moldova and Roma Barons

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The Soroca “baron” of all Roma Artur Cerari tells who can inherit his position as the leader of the Roma and what qualities his successor should have, according to One of the main candidates is the daughter of the current baron.

This “baron” represents a vica of Kalderaša or related group, which is by far not all Roma.

Moldova: Award

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The US Embassy in Moldova congratulated activist Victorina Luca on receiving the Global Anti-Racism Hero Award. She is the first member of the Roma Council for the Prevention of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken noted that her work to end discrimination in Moldova and protect the interests of the Moldovan Roma community is an example for everyone. “We honour Victorina and all human rights defenders and are proud to work with them to solve current problems and build a more democratic, prosperous and secure future in Moldova,” Blinken said at the award ceremony.

Moldova: A Portrait

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An interview with a young Romni from Moldova, with four diplomas, who cannot find any job because of racism in the country. So on the one had a success story of a single mother of two, who lost her parents at a young age and made it through, but who cannot get a job because she is a Romni.

Moldova and Roma

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Well, the government sys all is well, Roma are involved, and the path to real integration is clear.

Roma organisations say this is basically a fairy tale …

Germany: Deportations

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Germany has resumed the deportation of rejected refugees. This is particularly controversial in the case of Moldova. Most of the people from Moldova requesting asylum in Germany are Roma, and there, they are discriminated against.

Germany and Roma Refugees

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3’200 people from Moldova will be expelled from Germany back into their home country at the end of the month. Most of them are Roma. These Roma protested over the weekend.

“We want to stay here. We don’t want to be deported and come back every three months,” said a young mother. Like most of those who gathered on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz in Mitte on Saturday afternoon, the Romni comes from the Republic of Moldova. The woman with the microphone looked desperate: “They treat us like dogs.”

Germany, Moldova, and Refugees

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There is an ongoing controversy in Berlin currently where the Senate wants to send 600 Moldovan refugees back to Moldova before Christmas to make room for Ukrainian refugees. Some of those 600 are Roma so this is not good.

Moldova and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

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Ukrainian Roma are taking legal action after an attack of Roma refugees in Chisinau. The Roma refugees were sprayed with tear gas by security personnel. They complained to the EU Council on Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality. A criminal complaint against the assailants has also been initiated ex officio by the public prosecutor. The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) will represent the Romani litigants in both proceedings.

Moldova and Roma Education

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An article in the Slovenian press about a young Romni who finished high school. The article claims she is the first Romni to achieve this is Moldova which is more than doubtful. The article, while well meant, actually serves all stereotypes of an archaic Roma society.

Maria Stoian, a Roma girl from Moldova, was raised by her grandmother. She encouraged her throughout her primary schooling and stood by her side, because in Moldova, the vast majority of Roma girls stop going to school after the age of thirteen. “In our country, girls get married at the age of 15 at the latest. I have 18. I’m already too old,” Maria laughs and continues: “Of course I’m thinking about having a family, about having children, but not before the age of 25.” It was because of her grandmother that she enrolled in high school after finishing elementary school school in the city of Soroca. “I was scared, I cried because I was afraid that they wouldn’t accept me, since I was the only Roma in the class. But those were the best years of my life. I feel free, here at school I can put off the mask that the traditional environment in the Roma community put on me, here I can do what I want, talk about anything and learn.”

Ukrainian Roma Refugees

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Testimonies from Ukrainian Roma refugees in Europe. The article focuses on Moldova and Romania. What is good, is that this is being reported in the Ukrainian press, which usually tends only to report on stealing and begging Roma. Hope this will continue.

Roma Refugees – Moldova

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Roma Refugees – Moldova

In an environment where discriminatory attitudes toward Roma are widespread, Moldovan authorities have allowed – and in some cases suggested to volunteers – to prevent Roma refugees from staying in official accommodation, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.


Moldova and the “Roma Baron”

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Moldova and the “Roma Baron”

A rich Rom, dubbed by the press as “Baron” collects old cars. The most valuable one is probably the Soviet “Seagull”, which was previously owned by the powerful chairman of the KGB, and later the general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Yuri Andropov. The car was purchased by the Baron in Yalta.