Category Archives: News Switzerland

Switzerland and Yenische

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Switzerland and Yenische

Switzerland admitted this week that they committed a crime against humanity when they took away the children of Yenische in the so-called Kinder der Landstrasse between 1926 and 1973. Over 600 children were removed from their families. The press also mentions Sinti and Manouches. They were not really affected by this, as the action was truly centred in the Swiss German part of the country and against Yenische.

However, this legal brief and the Swiss government denied the genocidal aspect of this action.

Switzerland: Romanian Beggars

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Switzerland: Romanian Beggars

The story of Romanian beggars who have been in Neuchâtel since end of last year. And now, they are not part of a criminal beggar gang, as the Swiss press often claims.

Switzerland and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

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Switzerland and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

The Zurich politician Mario Fehr, after already having made comments on large Roma families from the Ukraine, has now stated that from now on, he doesn’t want to accept large families from Western Ukraine as refugees in the canton.

For large families from Western Ukraine, please read “Roma families from Transcatpathian Ukraine”.  Let us know what you think about this!

Switzerland and Roma

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Switzerland and Roma

Another article, this time in the TV news about the formal complaint against a Bernese politician for racism. Since he sits in the government from the canton, the prosecutor had to ask for lifting his immunity. The decision will be taken on November 25th, but according to the article, the article, it seems he has little to fear.

Switzerland has a long way to go on racism …

Switzerland and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

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Switzerland and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

Pierre-Alain Schnegg, a politician from Bern and member of the canton’s government made statements about Roma refugees a few months ago which prompted a formal complaint for racist statements. Now the Canton’s parliament has to vote to lift his immunity so that the prosecution can continue.

Let’s see…

Switzerland: Advertisement

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Switzerland: Advertisement

The Swiss online shop and portal Galaxus launched a new advertising campaign in Switzerland with their usual slogan of “almost everything for everyone”.

What is different this time, is that each of these posters which can be seen everywhere in Switzerland, is in languages spoken in Switzerland. And that goes way beyond French, German, Italian and Romantsch. As far as having one of these advertisements in Romanes …

Zurich and Ukrainian Refugees

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Zurich and Ukrainian Refugees

The Swiss politician Mario Fehr (not affiliated to any party) gave a press conference on asylum in Zurich, Switzerland. There, he said that he would be willing to give residency to all Ukrainians who work, but would send back the others. And finally, he said that Roma come with false papers, and are not threatened by war.

We had the opportunity to Speak to Mr. Fehr, for which we are thankful, and he confirmed that the statements in 20 Minutes are not what he said. 

Switzerland and Begging

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Very soon, begging in the streets of Lausanne, Vevey or Yverdon will no longer be a good idea. On October 1st, the Grand Council of Vaud adopted a new law on begging that is stricter than the draft of the Council of State, which prohibits the persons concerned from begging in a large number of places, such as markets, near public buildings, daycare centres, schools, playgrounds, banks, post offices, cash machines and parking meters, shops, medical and care facilities, museums, theatres and cinemas.

While the law was originally thought against Roma beggars, it affects many drug addicts who are Swiss too…

Lausanne, Roma, and School

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Roma families were recently evicted from a building that was deemed insalubrious. Now the children are in the street and at risk to be out of school.


Google Translate Romanes

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Nice to see that google translate allows for translations in Romanes. It definitively has a bias towards Vlach Romanes, which is not the most common Romanes, but this is a good start! The choices of words on World, to think, and a few others show this bias, but on the other hand, they still use the old Romanes for “life”, which is not Vlach.

Wonder how this was compiled…

Bulgaria, Roma, Beggars, and Switzerland

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Due to the presence of s few Roma beggars from Bulgaria in Bern, members of the police in charge of foreigners went to Burgas, Bulgaria, together with journalists from the Tages-Anzeiger.

They do report on the poverty, precarity, and dreadful living conditions, but also speak (rather lest someone speak) about Roma chiefs, who, when owed money that is not repaid, “forces” people to work, “for example as a beggar” in Switzerland. They also say that begging is an important source of income.

Not when the average income of a beggar is less than 20 francs. There are other means that are way more lucrative.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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An article about the current allegations against Roma refugees from the Ukraine in Switzerland. They are accused of having false Ukrainian papers or having bought them and are used by politicians to lobby against the special status granted to Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland.

Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Switzerland

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The Bulgarian press took the statements of the head of the Asylum system in the Canton of Bern for truth: That Roma used faked Ukrainian papers to abuse the Swiss Asylum system. The title is as false and racist: “Roma flock to Switzerland for aid with fake Ukrainian passports.” The picture used is also not relevant, as it shows carriages, which is definitively not the mean of travel chosen by the Ukrainian Roma who ask for asylum in Switzerland.

Ukrainian Roma Children

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There is an increasing number of Roma children from Transcarpathian Ukraine in need of integration in the education system in Switzerland. Besides the normal language barrier, the main challenge is that many of these children have never been to school in the Ukraine. This poses an even bigger challenge to the towns who have to integrate them.