Category Archives: News Switzerland

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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The Swiss minister in charge of refugees now stats that Ukrainian Roma with dual citizenship will have to leave Switzerland.

Only one little thing is not published: There are less than 10 cases that are officially acknowledged. And none on the Roma who are considered to be “problematic”.

Window dressing in politics. Shameful.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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The story of a small village that set up a special class for 6 Roma children from Ukrainian Roma refugees, only to see that they left.

This happens, but generally doesn’t happen just because of school. There are other pressures that are applied to those Roma mostly coming from Transcarpathian Ukraine where they lived in very hard conditions, literally overwhelming them. Some prefer simply to leave.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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According to a Swiss paper, ten families of Roma have managed to obtain Ukrainian papers illegally and have cashed in social case money several times.

Ten families, and this is not even proven.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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Another article on the recent arrivals of Roma refugees from the Ukraine, mostly from the Transcarpathian region of the country. This follows the statements of the chief of the Bern refugee agency who made comments saying that Roma “abuse” the system, work in “clans” etc.


Switzerland: Again 

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Again, an article about the alleged “abuses” of the special status for Ukrainian Refugees by Roma in Switzerland. This time, it is via an interview of the head of the refugee department of the canton Bern. He panders the usual allegations, false papers, criminal clans, and all the same unproven junk.

He is lobbying against the special status for Ukrainians, and is using Roma for that purpose. Bad and racist.

Switzerland and Roma

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In Bussigny, near Lausanne, Switzerland, several burglaries have been committed, there have been complaints of noise, and depredations on property have been committed.

According to the press and the people living there, it is all because of Roma refugees who recently arrived there.


Lausanne: Expulsion

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Several Roma families currently living in a formerly building will need to leave the place by Sunday. They fear that no alternative lodgement will be provided.

Travellers in Zurich

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The city of Zurich has allocated a large credit for the move and maintenance of a camping site for travellers in the Altstetten Neighbourhood of the city.

Lausanne and Roma

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Roma who currently live in a house that has been deemed insalubrious will have to leave by the end of the month. There are no real alternatives to their current lodging.

Switzerland and Roma Refugees

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As usual with some delays, a 1-1 translation of an article published last week in the Tages Anzeiger about Roma refugees from the Ukraine and the suspicions that they are not quite what they claim to be.

This of course without a shred of any evidence…

Switzerland and Roma Refugees – 2

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To counterbalance the accusations that Roma refugees from Ukraine abuse the system and are actually not Ukrainians, we did an interview in one of the leading newspapers in German speaking Swiss press.

Switzerland and Roma

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Another two articles in the Swiss press about Roma refugees from the Ukraine who “abuse” the system and are “most probably” not from the Ukraine. All because the Swiss seem to be oblivious that Western Ukraine is Hungarian speaking …

Switzerland, Roma, and Ukrainian Refugees

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Two really bad articles in a formerly good newspaper, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. Here, the use the fact that there are several Roma families from the Transcarpathian Ukraine asking for refugee status in Switzerland, to ask for the blanket approval of Ukrainian refugees to be revoked.

They make statements about false passports etc.

Proofs are not there…

Switzerland and Ukrainian Roma Refugees

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In Switzerland, there is currently an influx of Roma refugees from the Ukraine, mostly from the Transcarpathian region. We have seen many cases, and they unfortunately come from segregated settlements, often as large families (8 children etc.). They mostly speak only Hungarian and a limited amount of Ukrainian, and seldom Romanes.

The article in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung is totally unacceptable. They effectively say they are not really Ukrainian, without any proof, and even put up a picture of Uzhgorod, maybe part of Greater Hungary for the editors of this paper. They insinuate that they have all Hungarian passports, which could be the case, as Hungarian speakers from outside Hungary have been granted passports by Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister. However, one of the pre-requisite is to be able to read and write (and not to be Roma), which does not apply in most of the cases here in Switzerland.

In addition, these Roma, even though they are not fluent, speak Russian and Ukrainian. Which cannot be said of Hungarians.