A reportage on the life of Roma in Europe.
- Wie Sinti, Roma und Gitanes heute leben – Die Roma in Europa (1/3). In: SWR. 04.07.2022. https://www.swr.de/swr2/wissen/0604-wie-sinti-roma-und-gitanes-heute-leben-100.html
A reportage on the life of Roma in Europe.
A reportage on the situation of Roma in Europe on German TV.
A 101 year old former Sachsenhausen concentration camp guard was condemned to five years of prison. The anti-Semitism commissioner and the antiziganism commissioner of the Federal Government, the Central Council of Sinti and Roma and other voices welcomed the judge’s verdict.
Another case of different treatment of Roma refugees from the Ukraine in Germany. This time, in Bielefeld, where the housing where Roma were put definitively was not up to standards.
The Bergen-Belsen memorial is inviting to a thematic tour about Sinti and Roma in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The event will take place on Sunday, July 03, 2022, 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
East Germany effectively continued the Nazis policies against Sinti and Roma, new historical studies show.
Bad but not surprising.
For the second time.
The fight against anti-Roma racism has been declared a state goal in some of Germany’s Laender, and the Federal government also want to act. Victims of this pervasive racism report.
Some improvements, lots to do still…
An exhibition in Cologne commemorates the persecution of Sinti and Roma.
With the inclusion of the fight against antigypsyism as a state goal, Brandenburg would be the second federal state after Schleswig-Holstein to write this down in its constitution, Central Council of German Sinti and Roma President Romani Rose told the Evangelical Press Service (epd). “This would be an important step that would make it clear that Sinti and Roma have been at home in Germany for centuries, including in Brandenburg.”
A study in Hamburg, Germany, shows that stereotypes and racism are prevalent.
Several new stumbling stones for Sinti victims of the Nazis were set up in Bonn. More than half of the local Sinti were killed during the Nazi regime.
New stumbling stones will be laid out in Bonn, commemorating the deportation of local Sinti.
And on why it should not be used.
Well, unfortunately, not much is done about it in Germany, at least not on the internet.
An interview with Mehmet Daimagüler is Germany’s first commissioner for combating discrimination against Sinti and Roma.
Mehmet Daimaguler is the Federal Government’s first Antiziganism Commissioner. In the interview he talks about the Sinti and Roma Holocaust, about their scandalous treatment in the post-war period and about the ongoing discrimination.
Deportations of Sinti and Roma started on the 16th of May 1940. Commemorations were held in several German Länder.
On the commemoration of the deportation of Roma in Germany, a statement of the situation of Roma in the Ukraine.