Category Archives: Germany

Holocaust Survivor

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Holocaust Survivor

The Stuttgart Sinto Peter Reinhardt tells as a contemporary witness in a film about his life as a descendant of the survivors of the Nazi terror and about never-ending discrimination.

Academia and Roma …

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Academia and Roma …

The student association of Sinti and Roma in Germany supports Sinti and Roma at universities with advice and action. One of the founders of the association, Radoslav Ganev, talks about the antigypsy myths and stereotypes that students are still confronted with at universities today.

In brief, academia has the same bias against Roma.


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Such articles do not help, but then, the facts are not good either.

A group of Roma refugees from the Ukraine rioted when they were told they would need to lodge in a gym. They were expecting a hotel…

Roma Refugees

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Roma Refugees

Roma refugees from the Ukraine are complaining of discrimination in Germany.

German Trains and Roma

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German Trains and Roma

Romani Rose, chairman of the Council of German Sinti and Roma denounces the racism shown by personnel from the Deutsche Bahn against Roma refugees from the Ukraine.

Especially the German train company should be somewhat cautious in this matter…

Manheim and Ukrainian Roma

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Manheim and Ukrainian Roma

A description of the racist incident in the Manheim train station.

Romani Rose

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Romani Rose

Romani Rose has been chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma since 1982, that is for 40 years. Born in Heidelberg, he received a lot of recognition for his commitment to fighting discrimination. However, Romani Rose still sees prejudices against Sinti and Roma in society. The 75-year-old comes from a Sinti family. 13 members of his family were murdered in the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp and in the Ravensbrück concentration camp. With the Heidelberg Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose commemorates the Nazi genocide of the European Sinti and Roma.

Roma and Politics

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Roma and Politics

Th European Member of Parliament Romeo Franz, a Sinto, is the EU representative for Bosnia and Hercegovina and warns  of the potential of further conflicts in the Western Balkans.


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An article about “Ukrainian” (sic.!) refugees complaining being housed in a gym and who are allegedly Roma, not necessarily from the Ukraine.

If you write such articles, you should (a) know what you are talking about  and (b) not make allegations that can neither be proved nor disproved. If the refugees had a Ukrainian ID, they are from the Ukraine. If they are not, it is also pretty easy to know, as they will not speak Ukrainian or Russian.

Crap journalism.