Category Archives: Germany

Jenische of Singen

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An article about the Jenische in Singen, Germany.

– Vergessene Minderheit? In Singen leben viele Jenische. In: Reutlinger Nachrichten. 09.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bosnian Rrom Actor

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The Bosnian Rroma actor Nazif Mujic who won a Silver Bear award for Best Actor for his performance in the film ‘An Episode in the Life of an Iron Picker’ at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2013 is selling his trophy because he needs money.
A shame for Bosnia and for us all.

– Roma actor sells Silver Bear award to feed kids. In: ENCA. 07.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany AfD and their Program

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Scary, the AfD is continuing its campaigns against migrants and immigration. All Rroma are clearly beggars in their minds. And oh God, what if they realise there are also Moslem Rroma …
Sick minds.

– Wir bleiben mal ganz sachlich. In: Taz. 05.01.2017.!5368561/ [link-preview url=”!5368561/”]

A Movie on Django Reinhardt

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A movie on Django Reinhardt opened the Berlin Festival. Will be worth seeing and judging, but it is certainly a difficult subject.

– Film über Django Reinhardt eröffnet Festival. In: Spiegel Online. 04.01.2017.
– “Django” wird die Berliner Filmfestspiele eröffnen. Der Tagesspiegel. 04.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Germany: A New Book

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A new book, called “Our Father” tells the story of a German Sinti family. It is written by a Sintica Anita Awosusi. She will present it at the Jewish Museum in Berlin on February 9th.

– Vater unser Eine Sintifamilie erzählt. In: Jüdisches Museum Berlin. [link-preview url=””]

Michail Krausnick

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The German Author Michail Krausnick, who has relentlessly engaged himself against discrimination has been awarded the Lagrenne prize of the City of Manheim for his work. The Prize is named after a well known Sinti Family of the region, the Lagrenne’s.

– Gegen Diskriminierung und Rassismus. In: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 04.12.2016.,-Gegen-Diskriminierung-und-Rassismus-_arid,245795.html [link-preview url=”,-Gegen-Diskriminierung-und-Rassismus-_arid,245795.html”]

Jenische in Germany

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A long article on the Jenische in the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Nice.

– Die Vergessenen. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. 30.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Good Old Times ???

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Alexander Gauland, from the AfD party is reminiscing about the “good old times” …
Well, the times he is referring to are not so good if you were not mainstream. It was the time where Nazis exterminated people based on race and eugenics …

– Kommentar zur Forderung des AfD-Vize Was Gauland unter der guten alten Zeit versteht. In: Berliner Zeitung. 30.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Local History …

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An interesting reconstruction of a lynch in Germany shortly after World War One, following a petty theft by a Rrom. It ended in the death of two people, and had its roots in racism.

– Als ein Mundraub tödlich endete. In: Barmstedter Zeitung. 29.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovak Village in Berlin

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A reportage on a camp in Berlin which houses 20 residents from a small village in Slovakia. Begging, for a meagre 10 to 20 Euros per day. This reinforce the impression that all Rroma are beggars who come from very poor families …

– Bettler-Elend mitten in Berlin. Das slowakische Dorf unter der Berliner Messe-Kreuzung. In: Berliner Zeitung. 25.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

I am a Sinto

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The Association of German Sinti and Roma has issued a movie commemorating 40 years of civil society work and of the fight against stereotypes and prejudice.
Worth seing!

– „Ich bin ein deutscher Sinto“ In: Echo. 22.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany, Social Help, and the Left

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Economics Minister and Social Democratic Party chairman, Sigmar Gabriel, called for the curtailing of child allowances for European residents in Germany if their children are not currently living in the country.
He claims: “In some large cities, there are whole streets with run-down estates where immigrants live for just one reason: because they can receive child allowance at a German level for their children who do not live in Germany.”
This is total propaganda …

– Germany: SPD leader calls for cuts to child benefits for European citizens. In: The World Socialist Website. 22.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Graves of Holocaust Survivors

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The Federal government and the Regions in Germany have finally promised to retain the graves of Rroma Holocaust survivors. Normally, unless the family pays, these graves are re-used after a 25 years period.
May these people rest in peace and eternity.

– Gräber verfolgter Sinti und Roma können erhalten bleiben – damit die Erinnerung an den Porajmos weiterlebt. In: Bundespresseportal. 20.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Berlin, the Subway, and Rroma

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The person who kicked a young woman down the stairs in Berlin has been identified. He is unfortunately a Rrom from Bulgaria. He is definitively a criminal, and deserves a penalty, but it seems that the papers are more concerned about his ethnicity rather than the facts.

– PICTURED: Man wanted for booting woman down underground train station stairs. In: Daily Stars. 15.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Hungarian Minister Balog gets a Price in Germany

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Zoltan Balog, the Hungarian Minister of Human Resources, was awarded the Rainer-Hildebrandt-medal for human rights. YES, you read it, for human rights. He who advocates the SEGREGATION of Rroma in schools, and whose positions on minorities and migrants are far from any rights…
SHAME for this.

– Rechte für Menschenrechte. In: TAZ. 15.12.2016.!5363976/ [link-preview url=”!5363976/”]

Germany: More against AfD

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The German Jewish Central Council is calling for more engagement against the AfD, a new German party who is definitively not pro minorities and migrants. Rroma are amongst its targets.
We can only agree with this statement.

– Jüdischer Zentralrat fordert mehr Engagement gegen AfD. In: Zeit Online. 08.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Journeys

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An exhibition of Joakim Eskildsen’s work on Rroma, “Roma Journeys” in Berlin. If you haven’t seen this work, or his book, go!
He is one of the rare photographers who, while taking pictures in the midst of poverty and difficult situations, manages to show joy and a sparkle.

– Joakim Eskildsen’s ‘The Roma Journeys’ at Gallery Taik Persons, Berlin. In: BlouinArtInfo. 26.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany, Rap, and Rroma

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A review of the last Album from the German Rapper Sido. He recently acknowledged that he is Rrom – but calles himself “Zigeuner” and a sentence in one of his songs “Meine Leute haben’s nicht so leicht, also wenn du nicht drauf aufpasst, ist es meins.” saying “my people don’t have it easy, so if you don’t pay attention to it, it is mine” is deemed more than controversial, as it uses the old stereotype of theft and Rroma.

– ‘Das goldene Album’: Sido startet Authentizitäts-Offensive. In: ViP. 25.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic: Germany Will Pay

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Germany has agreed to compensate the Czech Rroma who survived the Holocaust. Good, but it will not ruin Germany: 71 years after the end of the War, not many are still alive. And anyhow not many survived in the Czech lands.
A short apology from the Czech would be nice, as they deported the Rroma themselves, in 1941.

– Nemecko odškodní českých Rómov za holocaust. In: TA3.20.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

No Safe Countries for Rroma

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A long article on the so-called “safe countries” and their impact on Rroma seeking asylum in Germany and in neighbouring countries. There is a petition on this topic launched by a German Rroma organisation called Bundes Roma Verband e.V.

– Für Roma gibt es keine sicheren Herkunftsstaaten. In: MiGazin. 25.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]