Category Archives: Italy

Rome: A New Course

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Rome: A New Course

At La Sapienza University of Rome, the course “Romani Language and Culture” will begin on March 5th. It aims to offer a complete overview of the language, traditions and history of the Romani population with a multidisciplinary approach that combines theory, practice and critical reflection. The course is aimed at students of humanities, social sciences and history, but also at anyone who wishes to deepen their knowledge of Romani culture and its current challenges, as well as all those who work in the field of cultural mediation, human rights and social inclusion.

Sardinia: Students on the Genocide

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Sardinia: Students on the Genocide

A group of students from class 5I of the De Sanctis Deledda High School of Human Sciences (Martina Camplani, Martina Vacca, Martina Stefani, Benedetta Garau, Serena Sailis, Alessandro Spanu and Edoardo Fa), coordinated by teacher Franca Rita Porcu (teacher of Philosophy and Human Sciences), created an educational project, based precisely on the podcast tool, to reflect and reason on some of the genocides of history.

Besides the Shoah, the Tutsi, and the Native Americans, one of the episodes is devoted to Roma.

Slovenia, Fascists, and Roma

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Slovenia, Fascists, and Roma

In Lonjer, a then entirely Slovenian village on the outskirts of Trieste, the fascist authorities interned six Roma and Sinti between September 1940 and September 1943. The fascists confined them there after the Italian Ministry of the Interior ordered all prefects on September 11, 1940, to register Roma who were citizens of Italy and to confine those without permanent residence.

This fact as well as others were presented by Paola Trevisan in the Gopčević Palace. The historian and anthropologist dedicated her first scientific monograph to the persecution of Roma and Sinti in fascist Italy, which she presented in Trieste as part of the events marking Holocaust Remembrance Day. The author was interviewed by historian Michele Sarfatti.

Bari, Italy: Integration

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Bari, Italy: Integration

The Municipality of Bari has published the call for proposals to implement an Inclusion and integration project for Roma, Sinti and Caminanti children and adolescents, funded under the National Inclusion and Fight against Poverty Program 2021-2027 with over 457 thousand euros. The specific objective is the.

Inclusion of Roma children and young people at school in Bari.

Italy: The Usual

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Italy: The Usual

The article depicts what they call the “Italian Sinti mirror scam”. In this case, the Carabinieri were driving, when they noticed two cars pulled over on the side of the road, with their respective drivers in a heated argument. A young 19-year-old – with a criminal record – allegedly ordered the other driver, a 62-year-old, to stop for alleged damage he had caused while driving. He wanted 350 euros, to end it there, refusing to proceed through insurance channels, as the 62-year-old wanted, who was convinced he had not been involved in any road accident.

Italy: School Controversy

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Italy: School Controversy

A controversy started in Reggio Emilia where the Municipality has budgeted for the next three years a figure of one million euros dedicated to the school integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti students.

Opposition (mostly the Lega) are criticising this subsidy saying that other students should also benefit and decrying the “waste of money”.

Italy and Genocide

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Italy and Genocide

A Seminar to remember the Holocaust of the Roma and Sinti will be held on November 22 in Agnone on and aims to shed light on a dark chapter in European history, too often forgotten: the Genocide of the Roma and Sinti. Agnone is the town where from 1941 to 1943 Roma and Sinti were interned in the San Bernardino concentration camp

The program of the seminar includes a series of events ranging from visits to historical sites to conferences held by experts in the field. It will start on November 22 with a visit to the former Convent of San Bernardino, a place of memory that during the Second World War saw the internment of 150 Roma and Sinti. In the afternoon, at the Municipality of Agnone, a conference will be held with the participation of historians, activists and representatives of the Roma and Sinti communities.

Rome – A Police Raid

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Rome – A Police Raid

A major police control operation was carried out at dawn by the Rome’s Carabinieri, with the support of the Dog Unit and a helicopter. This control focused on the Roma Camp in Via Candoni, which, according to the article is notoriously known as one of the hotbeds of crime in the capital. The intervention is part of a broader context of the fight against illegal activities, aiming to restore perceived and real security in the surrounding community. The operation involved an important identification action, during which 184 people of Romanian and Bosnian origin were registered, including 42 minors.

When you know that these camps are generally enclosed, and that you need to show you papers entering and leaving, you wonder …

Padua and Roma

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Padua and Roma

The city of Padua received 1 million euros for th integration of Romane children and adolescents. That’s nice, but that is also not much …

Rome: Roma Camp Closure

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The Roma camp located in Via Cesare Lombroso in Rome was closed. 33 families lived ther with a total of 145 people, more than a third of whom were children. All the inhabitants of the camp were relocated and the cleaning operations were carried out without recourse to public force. Six families were housed independently, the other 27 were housed partly in social housing and partly in other housing solutions. The Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, announced the operation this morning: “Today – he said – is a historic day. For the first time in the history of Rome, this operation is taking place without an eviction order and without recourse to public force.”

It took time …

Italy and Discrimination

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The decision made public on May 13, 2024 by the European Committee of Social Rights of the Council of Europe, which unanimously concluded that Italy had committed serious and systematic violations of the European Social Charter with regard to housing situation of Roma communities, must herald a change in Italy’s discriminatory policies on access to housing, Amnesty International said.

Bulgarian Roma in Italy

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According to this article in the Bulgarian press, there was a fight between rival Bulgarian Roma families in Naples, Italy.

Bad for all…

Mantova and Travellers

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An article about the open bills left by Roma and travellers in a camp in Maontova, Italy. Apparently, they left unpaid electricity bills, tapped illegally in the electrical system, did not pay the fees for camping etc. All this amounting to more than 400’000 euros.

Not good.

Bologna, Fashion, and Roma

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On Saturday 6 April at 8.30pm, in Bologna, the DumBO Workshop welcomes the ‘Rom (antico) Fashion Show’, a fashion show in which the designer of Sinti origins Noell Maggini will present a selection of his creations. Born in Prato, 29 years old, Maggini creates tailor-made couture collections and garments, which are designed, cut and made by hand.

“It will be my first fashion show in Bologna and I am very curious – explained Maggini – I brought my models to Florence at Pitti Uomo and to Milan Fashion Week, but Bologna is an important city for fashion, experimentation and new trends, and it is also the city where the Romani presence was recorded for the first time in Italy in the 15th century”. With ateliers and showrooms in Prato, the Maggini brand sells throughout Italy.

Rome: Manifestation

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A demonstration against racism called “Right to LIFE” took place in the Piazza Santi Apostoli in Rome at in memory of Patrik Guarnieri, the Roma boy who died in prison in Castrogno in Teramo.

Giulia Di Rocco, President of the Mistipè Party, the first Roma and Sinti party was the promoter of the event in collaboration with the Roma in Progress association of Isernia and the Roma Centre of Avezzano.

Genova and the Integration of Roma

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A study by the university of Padua, Italy, surveyed Roma in Genova. There are of course Sinti Piemontese, Bosnian Roma, and more recently arrivals from Romania.

According to research by the University of Padua, conducted as part of the European Hero project, whose leader is Liberitutti Cooperativa Sociale, “of the Roma and Sinti communities present in the city, those relocated following the dismantling of the camp in via Adamoli appear to be the more integrated and recognised, even at an institutional level”.

So if they are given good living conditions, they integrate. What a surprise …