Category Archives: United Kingdom

More on the Wickham Horse Fair

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A few articles on the fair, plus one on an exhibition.

Diane Abbott

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The statements of the Labour MP about racism continue to draw criticism.

Diane Abott

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The British Labour MP Diane Abott had to resign following an outcry after a letter she wrote to a newspaper in which she suggested that “prejudice” experienced by “white-seeming people” is distinct from racism against black people.

This when one in three Roma and Travellers have experienced racism in the UK.

Roma in the UK

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A recent comprehensive survey highlighted the high level of racism against Roma in the UK, with up to two thirds of the Roma shaving experienced abuse or attacks.



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Jo Clement, a lecturer at Northumbria University, recently published a poetry collection that has been nominated for the prestigious John Pollard Foundation Poetry Prize.

She also was an editor in the ERIAC published book  “Wagtail: The Roma Women’s Poetry Anthology”.

The Church and Roma

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The Church of England took a positive step and recognized that the church played a significant role in anti-Roma racism.  When are the other churches (and also non-Christian denominations) going to do the same?

England and Wales Census

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For the first time in History, Roma in England and Wales had to possibility to declare themselves as such in a census. Over 100’000 did so, with many tens of thousands identifying themselves as Gypsies or Travellers.

UK Trespass Law

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Lawyers are launching a high court challenge against the anti-trespass law that gives the police additional power to tackle “unauthorised encampments”.

The law has been criticised by many but was pushed through by the Johnston Conservative government and its controversial interior minister Priti Patel.

Roma and Energy Prices

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Roma and Travellers in the UK fear being left out on the help on energy prices. There are thousands of people in park home in the UK for whom the increased energy prices will prove to be dramatic.

UK, Roma, and Education

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UK, Roma, and Education

No surprise, Travellers and Roma face hurdles in higher education.
