On April 2, 2025, the gates of the Roma and Sinti Holocaust Memorial in Moravia in Hodonín near Kunštát will open again after the winter break. This will be the 7th visitor season overall. The exhibition “Stories of Survivors” remains from last year, which presents the fates of Holocaust survivors of Roma and Sinti who were internment in the camp in Lety u Písku in the form of biographical medallions.
- Památník holokaustu Romů a Sintů na Moravě zahájí v dubnu novou návštěvnickou sezónu. In: Radio Žurnal Rozhlas. 12.03.2025. https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/pamatnik-holokaustu-romu-a-sintu-na-morave-zahaji-v-dubnu-novou-navstevnickou-9430295