French Chronicle …

Not many news in France on Roma this week. An article in Libération is somewhat disturbing. While it is called “No one has Roma friends, I asked myself why”, it nevertheless perpetuates clichés which is what the French press is doing all the time. Other than that, the usual news. In Western France, Roma children need to go to school; the site of a former camp was cleaned up in Nantes; near Paris, a squat was damaged by fire; and in the North, several housing projects, also targeted at Roma will be funded.

– «Personne n’a d’amis roms, je me suis demandé pourquoi». In: Libération. 23.01.2019.
– Vertou. Une trentaine d’enfants Roms à scolariser. In: Ouest France. 24.01.2019.
– Coups de tractopelle pour une première opération de nettoyage à l’Est de Nantes. In: Ouest France. 24.01.2019.
– Dammarie-les-Lys : un squat endommagé par un incendie. In: Le Parisien. 22.01.2019.
– Lille : Un jury citoyen a voté, 18 projets d’habitants seront financés en 2019. In: La Voix du Nord. 25.01.2019. [link-preview url=” “]

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