On Friday, August 23, Prague 4 will host the fifth edition of the Romany Bashavel event. The event will take place again in the popular Cultural Center on Novodvorská from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The main star will be Slovak rapper and musician P.A.T., who promotes the so-called Roma Rap – a combination of rap and Roma traditional music, which was also accepted by the original fans of his “harder” work. ROMEA TV broadcasts the event live.
- PŘÍMÝ PŘENOS: Romský bašavel na Praze 4 uvítá na závěr léta oblíbené romské umělce a zpěváky, hlavní hvězdou je slovenský P.A.T. In: Romea. 19.08.2024. https://romea.cz/cz/kultura/primy-prenos-romsky-basavel-na-praze-4-uvita-na-zaver-leta-oblibene-romske-umelce-a-zpevaky-hlavni-hvezdou-je-slovensky-p-a-t