A Slovak journalist, Petra Strižková, went to two Slovak villages: Bystré and Hlinné. What they have in common is that they succeeded in what many only dream of or say is impossible! Roma-non-Roma coexistence is harmonious there – and has been for decades. The beginning of the successful story of integration was the demolition of a Roma settlement 50 years ago.
Well, that is clear: If you segregate people in a ghetto, you will definitively not integrate them.
- Úspešná integrácia Rómov v dedinách Hlinné a Bystré. In: Slovensko RTVS. 08.07.2024. https://slovensko.rtvs.sk/rubriky/aktualne-rubriky/337529/uspesna-integracia-romov-v-dedinach-hlinne-a-bystre