A reportage on a Roma settlement in Slovakia with 3’000 residents, and only one well. Apparently, 6 water points were built with EU funds, but none of them work. Here, they say they are repeatedly damaged by vandals.
- Vybudovali šesť výdajných miest, nefunguje žiadne. Tisíce ľudí z rómskej osady čerpajú vodu z jednej studne. In: TV Noviny. 20.01.2025. https://tvnoviny.sk/domace/clanok/947420-vybudovali-sest-vydajnych-miest-nefunguje-ziadne-tisice-ludi-z-romskej-osady-cerpaju-vodu-z-jednej-studne?campaignsrc=tn_clipboard