When eighth grader Sebastián Žiga traveled to Indonesia in December for the MMA World Championships, it was an extraordinary event for the Ľ. Podjavorinská Elementary School in the Luník IX housing estate in Košice.
The fourteen-year-old Roma boy was the first student in the school’s history to reach the world championship in any sport. He finished 8th in the under 16 category.
- Na košickom Luníku IX začali vychovávať „bitkárov“, jeden už bol na majstrovstvách sveta. iN; Dennik N. 08.01.2025. https://dennikn.sk/4394151/na-kosickom-luniku-ix-zacali-vychovavat-bitkarov-jeden-uz-bol-na-majstrovstvach-sveta/