Tag Archives: Activist

Slovakia: Interview

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Slovakia: Interview

An interview with Lana Gazov, an activist who created founded the Kamiben profile, which connects Roma and non-Roma about the belief in Slovakia, that social benefits are tilted towards Roma and about her life as a Romni in Slovakia and abroad.

Poland: Edward Dębicki

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Poland: Edward Dębicki

Fr. Stanisław Opocki, the National Roma Chaplain, prayed on March 6 for the Gypsy artist, Honorary Citizen of Gorzów Wielkopolski Edward Dębicki on his 90th birthday. The Jubilarian and his wife Ewa also participated in the Holy Mass celebrated in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Edward Dębicki, a Roma activist is well known in Poland and beyond.

Reportage on Tomáš Csics

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Reportage on Tomáš Csics

He is a Rom, an engineer, and an activist and influencer followed by thousands of people. At school, he was always reminded that he was just a gypsy. “Don’t go to college, Roma will only be hired for lower jobs anyway.” These are the words that begin one of the videos posted on. On social media, he proves with his story that Roma do not have to end up in factories for the lower grades, but can have big dreams and ambitions, just like he had. He achieved success despite growing up in poverty and encountering those who didn’t wish him well along the way.
