Unknown perpetrators have desecrated graves of Sinti and Roma in a cemetery in the Altona district of Hamburg. Graves were damaged and materials such as copper were stolen. According to the Sinti Association of Hamburg, a gravestone was even sawn into pieces. In a joint statement, all parties in Altona City Hall, except for the AfD, (surprise?) condemned the acts. The public prosecutor’s office is investigating.
- Angriff auf Minderheiten: Gräber auf Friedhof verwüstet. In: t-Online. 04.02.2025. https://hamburg.t-online.de/region/hamburg/id_100592296/hamburg-graeber-von-sinti-und-roma-auf-friedhof-diebsteich-geschaendet.html
- Gräber von Sinti und Roma auf Friedhof Diebsteich geschändet. In: NDR. 05.02.2025. https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/hamburg/Graeber-von-Sinti-und-Roma-auf-Friedhof-Diebsteich-geschaendet,kurzehh10318.html