Tag Archives: Beggars

Switzerland / Lausanne: End of Prohibition

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The Swiss Federal Tribunal suspended the current prohibition against begging in Lausanne until it statutes on the appeal against this law.
A first step!

– Interdiction de la mendicité suspendue dans le canton de Vaud. In: Swissinfo. 03.10.2017. https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/interdiction-de-la-mendicité-suspendue-dans-le-canton-de-vaud/43567020 [link-preview url=”https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/interdiction-de-la-mendicité-suspendue-dans-le-canton-de-vaud/43567020″]

More on the San Francisco Beggars

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This is unfortunately typical… One negative thing about Roma, and it is all over the press.

– For Some BART Panhandlers, Begging Is Their Job. In: CBS. 25.09.2017. http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/09/25/bart-panhandlers-begging-roma/ [link-preview url=”http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2017/09/25/bart-panhandlers-begging-roma/”]

Lausanne: Recourse against Interdiction

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A new recourse against the interdiction of begging in the canton of Vaud has been filed in the Swiss Federal Tribunal. The canton had passed this law even tough the number of beggars is ridiculously low (less than a hundred) at any given time.

– Mendicité: recours contre l’interdiction vaudoise. In: La Tribune de Genève. 04.09.2017. https://www.tdg.ch/suisse/suisse-romandemendicite-recours-interdiction-vaudoise/story/30109601 [link-preview url=”https://www.tdg.ch/suisse/suisse-romandemendicite-recours-interdiction-vaudoise/story/30109601″]

Denmark and Begging

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Denmark is now putting beggars for two weeks in jail after a lwa voted by the parliament in June. Bad…
Also bad that this paper specifically states that Denmark puts up laws against Roma – event though the law is against begging, equating all Roma with Beggars.

– Le Danemark légifère contre les Roms. Le Nouvelliste. 22.07.2017. http://www.lenouvelliste.ch/articles/monde/le-danemark-legifere-contre-les-roms-686729 [link-preview url=”http://www.lenouvelliste.ch/articles/monde/le-danemark-legifere-contre-les-roms-686729″]

Switzerland and Beggars

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The interdiction of begging that was put into law in Lausanne last year is being contested in front of the Swiss Federal Tribunal, the highest court in this country.

– Recours devant le Tribunal. In: Le Nouvelliste. 08.07.2017. http://www.lenouvelliste.ch/articles/suisse/recours-devant-le-tribunal-683662
– Recours contre l’interdiction de mendier. In: Le Courrier. 07.07.2017. https://www.lecourrier.ch/150912/recours_contre_l_interdiction_de_mendier [link-preview url=”https://www.lecourrier.ch/150912/recours_contre_l_interdiction_de_mendier”]

Begging: Bad

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A really bad article from Canada on begging. One can only ask oneself what is the purpose of such articles? All atereotypes are there.

Les professionnels de la mendicité
Les professionnels de la mendicité
– Les professionnels de la mendicité. In: Le Journal de Montreal. 17.06.2017. http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2017/06/17/les-professionnels-de-la-mendicite [link-preview url=”http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2017/06/17/les-professionnels-de-la-mendicite”]

Canada – Alt Right

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An interesting article about one of the founders of the Canadian Alt Right media movement. If you have any doubts about their views on Rroma, here is what he said:

“These are gypsies, a culture synonymous with swindlers.The phrase gypsy and cheater have been so interchangeable historically that the word has entered the English language as a verb: he gypped me. Gypsies are not a race. They’re a shiftless group of hobos. They rob people blind. Their chief economy is theft and begging. For centuries these roving highway gangs have mocked the law and robbed their way across Europe.”

You can be a member of a minority and be a racist …

– Meet Ezra Levant, The Jewish Founder of Canada’s ‘Alt-Right’ Rebel Media. In: Forward. 31.03.2017. http://forward.com/fast-forward/366253/meet-ezra-levant-the-jewish-founder-of-canadas-alt-right-rebel-media/ [link-preview url=”http://forward.com/fast-forward/366253/meet-ezra-levant-the-jewish-founder-of-canadas-alt-right-rebel-media/”]

Belgium and Beggars

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It starts also there … Activists are pushing the police and the prosecutor office to deal with the Rroma children begging in Belgium’s capital.
There would be simpler solutions … Like integration.

– Bruxelles: l’échevine Els Ampe dénonce les enfants mendicants. In: La Capitale. 13.03.2017. http://www.lacapitale.be/1806321/article/2017-03-12/bruxelles-l-echevine-els-ampe-denonce-les-enfants-mendiants [link-preview url=”http://www.lacapitale.be/1806321/article/2017-03-12/bruxelles-l-echevine-els-ampe-denonce-les-enfants-mendiants”]

Middle Eastern Cousins: The Nawar

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An article about the Rroma middle eastern distant cousins, the Nawari. Together with the Domari, they are the remnants of the same migration who brought Rroma to Europe, they staying in the Middle East.
And they are being discriminated against …

– Who are the Nawari, Gaza’s alienated ‘Gypsies’? In: Al Monitor. 02.02.2017. http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2017/01/gaza-nawari-community-marginalized-begging-dancing-gypsies.html [link-preview url=”http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2017/01/gaza-nawari-community-marginalized-begging-dancing-gypsies.html”]

Switzerland: Criminalisation

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A long article on the results of the interdiction of begging in the canton of Vaud, in the French speaking part of Switzerland. The main result is the de-facto criminalisation of beggars, and as a result, at least from a police perspective, providing legal grounds to expulse these from Switzerland.

– D’indésirables, les Roms sont désormais passés à criminels. In: L’Hebdo. 12.01.2017. http://www.hebdo.ch/hebdo/cadrages/detail/d’indésirables-les-roms-sont-désormais-passés-à-criminels
– Le référendum pour la mendicité est un échec et se transforme en petition. In: 24 Heures. 13.01.2017. http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/Le-referendum-pour-la-mendicite-est-un-echec-et-se-transforme-en-petition/story/16429645 [link-preview url=”http://www.hebdo.ch/hebdo/cadrages/detail/d’indésirables-les-roms-sont-désormais-passés-à-criminels “]

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Slightly delayed from its usual dominical slot due to the new year. And a surprise … Normally, most of the news on Rroma are on camps and expulsions. Now this time, with the exception of articles on the international situation of Rroma), this seems to be almost exclusively criminality and begging.
Two articles on two burglaries and a story on robbery of joggers in Lille in the North; a burglary in the South; police interdiction of begging near Paris; in Lyon, an illegal occupation of a house; and finally more in the usual topic, a fire in a camp in Aix en Provence.

– Le «touriste» roumain avait cambriolé une maison. In: La Voix du Nord. 28.12.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/95987/article/2016-12-28/le-touriste-roumain-avait-cambriole-une-maison
– Un cambriolage audacieux ou une sortie alcoolique ? . In: La Voix du Nord. 28.12.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/96066/article/2016-12-28/un-cambriolage-audacieux-ou-une-sortie-alcoolique
– Des joggeurs et automobilistes dépouillés lors de guets-apens. In: La Voix du Nord. 29.12.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/96458/article/2016-12-29/des-joggeurs-et-automobilistes-depouilles-lors-de-guets-apens
– Lattes : trois Roms arrêtés lors d’un cambriolage dit “de nécessité” In: Midi Libre. 23.12.2016. http://www.midilibre.fr/2016/12/28/lattes-trois-roms-arretes-lors-d-un-cambriolage-dit-de-necessite,1446226.php
– Seine-Saint-Denis : contre les mendiants, le maire d’Aulnay utilise le Code de la route. In: Le Parisien. 28.12.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/aulnay-sous-bois-93600/aulnay-contre-les-mendiants-syriens-et-roms-beschizza-degaine-la-traversee-hors-des-clous-27-12-2016-6499269.php
– Aulnay-sous-bois. Un usage du Code de la route hors des clous. In: L’Humanité. 30.12.2016. http://www.humanite.fr/aulnay-sous-bois-un-usage-du-code-de-la-route-hors-des-clous-629433
– Rhône : il revient de vacances, des Roms s’étaient installés chez lui. In: MLyon. 30.12.2016. http://www.mlyon.fr/154974-rhone-il-revient-de-vacances-des-roms-s-etaient-installes-chez-lui.html
– Aix-en-Provence: incendie lié à un accident domestique près de l’autoroute A8 / A51. In: FR3 Provence Alpes. 29.12.2016. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/provence-alpes/bouches-du-rhone/aix-en-provence/aix-provence-incendie-lie-accident-domestique-pres-autoroute-a8-a51-1163167.html [link-preview url=”http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/95987/article/2016-12-28/le-touriste-roumain-avait-cambriole-une-maison”]

Slovak Village in Berlin

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A reportage on a camp in Berlin which houses 20 residents from a small village in Slovakia. Begging, for a meagre 10 to 20 Euros per day. This reinforce the impression that all Rroma are beggars who come from very poor families …

– Bettler-Elend mitten in Berlin. Das slowakische Dorf unter der Berliner Messe-Kreuzung. In: Berliner Zeitung. 25.12.2016. http://www.bz-berlin.de/berlin/charlottenburg-wilmersdorf/das-slowakische-dorf-unter-der-berliner-messe-kreuzung [link-preview url=”http://www.bz-berlin.de/berlin/charlottenburg-wilmersdorf/das-slowakische-dorf-unter-der-berliner-messe-kreuzung”]

Switzerland: Lausanne and Begging

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An article on Rroma beggars in Lausanne, their income (very low) and their aspirations. It features the organisation Opre Rom which helps the Rroma to find a decent job. It is good, as this shows that begging is not a choice, and certainly not a criminal entreprise.

– «Ce n’est pas un choix» In: Le Corrier. 08.12.2016. http://www.lecourrier.ch/144922/ce_n_est_pas_un_choix [link-preview url=”http://www.lecourrier.ch/144922/ce_n_est_pas_un_choix”]

Lausanne: Occasional Begging

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Lausanne banned begging a while back. Now they are backing off in saying that “occasional” begging should be allowed, i.e. if you don’t have enough money for your public transportation ticket.
In fact, they are trying to keep the interdiction in place for Rroma only … They could say it, it would be at least transparent.

– «Le concept de mendicité occasionnelle stigmatise les Roms» In: La Tribune de Genève. 30.11.2016. http://www.tdg.ch/suisse/Le-concept-de-mendicite-occasionnelle-stigmatise-les-Roms/story/11362085 [link-preview url=”http://www.tdg.ch/suisse/Le-concept-de-mendicite-occasionnelle-stigmatise-les-Roms/story/11362085″]

Lausanne: Recourse against the Begging Ban

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Lausanne: Recourse against the Begging Ban

The constitutional court of the canton of Vaud in Switzerland will have to decide on the legality of a ban against begging in that canton. The ban was prompted by the presence of less than hundred (yes!!!) beggars in Lausanne, some of which are Rroma.
There could be a few other possibilities …

– Vaud: recours contre l’interdiction de la mendicité. In: Swissinfo.ch. 09.11.2016. http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/vaud–recours-contre-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicité/42580662 [link-preview url=”http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/vaud–recours-contre-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicité/42580662″]

Switzerland: Lausanne and Homeless

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Lausanne, at the forefront of forbidding begging in Switzerland is confronted with ca. 200 homeless people. And only a fraction of these are Rroma … Which means, there are far less than 100 Rroma beggars in that city. Can’t be a massive problem …

– Migrants, Roms, toxicos, ils sont 200 à dormir à la rue. In: 24 Heures. 29.10.2016. http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/Migrants-Roms-toxicos-ils-sont-200-a-dormir-a-la-rue/story/31681936 [link-preview url=”http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/lausanne-region/Migrants-Roms-toxicos-ils-sont-200-a-dormir-a-la-rue/story/31681936″]

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People are finally moving against the interdiction of begging issued by the city of Lausanne. This interdiction, aimed at the few dozen Rroma beggars (never more than 60 in the whole city) is controversial as it criminalises poverty.
Leftist parties want to weaken it, while a referendum has been launched to scrap it entirely.

– Vaud: lancement d’un référendum contre l’interdiction de mendier. In: Swissinfo. 10.10.2016. http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/vaud–lancement-d-un-referendum-contre-l-interdiction-de-mendier/42506114
– Le centre-gauche veut assouplir l’interdiction de la mendicité. In: 24 Heures. 12.10.2016. http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/Le-centregauche-veut-assouplir-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicite/story/11316215 [link-preview url=”http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/Le-centregauche-veut-assouplir-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicite/story/11316215″]

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Myria, a Belgian Federal organisation on migration issued its 19th report on human trafficking. In Belgium, 33 infractions to the law on human trafficking were related to begging and implicitly to Rroma.
Enough for the Press to title and generalise that all beggars are in the hands of human traffickers and a mafia, stereotypes that are totally untrue and dangerous. Really BAD!!!
And across the border, in the North of France, the police tries to arrest beggars in Lille … This will not solve the problem.

– Quand les mendiants sont aux mains des trafiquants. In: Le Soir. 13.10.2016. http://plus.lesoir.be/63725/article/2016-10-13/quand-les-mendiants-sont-aux-mains-des-trafiquants
– Mendicité : la vérité sur les Roms. In: Le Vif. 13.10.2016. http://www.levif.be/actualite/belgique/mendicite-la-verite-sur-les-roms/article-normal-561385.html
– Des mendiants aux mains de trafiquants. In: La Libre. 14.10.2016. http://www.lalibre.be/actu/belgique/des-mendiants-aux-mains-de-trafiquants-57ffa651cd70cd5761c9f196
– Mendicité des enfants roms : série d’arrestations de parents par la police. In: La Voix du Nord. 13.10.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/58987/article/2016-10-13/mendicite-des-enfants-roms-serie-d-arrestations-de-parents-par-la-police

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Two articles in the aftermath of the ban of begging in Lausanne. One by a photographer, Yves Leresche, who has been taking picture of these beggars in both Switzerland and Romania, and the other, on the actual effects of banning beggars. The bans are actually bad and make matter worse.

– Yves Leresche: «je m’étonne de l’absence de débat sur la mendicité» In: La Côte. 30.09.2016. http://www.lacote.ch/articles/regions/vaud/yves-leresche-je-m-etonne-de-l-absence-de-debat-sur-la-mendicite-1-2-585162
– A Genève, le bilan inquiétant de la loi anti-mendicité. In: Le Courrier. 29.09.2016. http://www.lecourrier.ch/142819/a_geneve_le_bilan_inquietant_de_la_loi_anti_mendicite [link-preview url=”http://www.lacote.ch/articles/regions/vaud/yves-leresche-je-m-etonne-de-l-absence-de-debat-sur-la-mendicite-1-2-585162″]

Switzerland: Lausanne forbids Begging

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Lausanne forbade mendacity yesterday. The vote was narrow but passed through. Begging will be fined 100.— CHF and begging with a minor even more. This measure concerns less than a hundred beggars in Lausanne. Yes, less than 100!!!!And by far not of them are Rroma.Speak about lousy populism.- CANTON DE VAUD LE GRAND CONSEIL INTERDIT LA MENDICITÉ. In: Le Matin. 28.09.2016. http://www.lematin.ch/suisse/grand-conseil-interdit-mendicite/story/31918282- La mendicité interdite grâce au vote dispersé des Verts. In: 24 Heures. 28.09.2016. http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/mendicite-interdite-canton-vaud/story/22545846- Il sera interdit de mendier dans le canton de Vaud. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 28.09.2016. http://www.20min.ch/ro/news/vaud/story/Il-sera-interdit-de-mendier-dans-le-canton-de-Vaud-14415436- Trois scénarios face à la mendicité. In: Le Courrier. 26.08.2016. http://www.lecourrier.ch/142744/trois_scenarios_face_a_la_mendicite [link-preview url=”http://www.lematin.ch/suisse/grand-conseil-interdit-mendicite/story/31918282″]
