Tag Archives: Exhibition

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Based on the historical naval battle in Lepanto, in which forcibly recruited Roma were involved as rowing slaves in 1571, seven artists who are Sinti or Roma are exhibiting contemporary art positions. They confront this history with themselves and at the same time enter into a multi-voiced dialogue with each other. They confidently demand visibility and equality in European culture. The exhibition was shown on the occasion of the Venice Biennale 2024 and was seen by 135,000 visitors.

An interview of Luna De Rosa und Moritz Pankok on the Exhibition.

UNESCO Exhibition

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UNESCO Exhibition

The exhibition called “Ma Bistras” [let’s not forget] is based on the work of Luigi Toscano, who photographed and interviewed the last survivors of the Roma and Sinti genocide and their descendants to record their history, character and strength, and to draw attention to what happened to them.

Slovakia: Museum of Roma Culture

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Slovakia: Museum of Roma Culture

The Museum of Roma Culture in Slovakia has been actively involved in research, documentation and presentation of the rich cultural heritage of the Roma since 2004. “The exhibition will introduce visitors to the history of the museum and its predecessor – the Documentation Centre of Roma Culture, its development and professional activities, as well as the importance of preserving the cultural identity of the Roma through museum activities,” said Kiripolská.

The Exhibition is titled “Hin amen museum!” –[We have a museum].

Slovenia, Roma. In Murska Sobota

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The Roma Academic Club organized a discussion in the Regional and Study Library in Murska Sobota while reading Roma literature entitled Sar zapisje Romi [How Roma write]. An exhibition titled Me som _ Jaz sem [I am] was also on display. The traditional mini Roma Olympics took place in Murska Sobota, where children could try out several sports. Maribor’s Kralji ulice association orgnised an excursion to Murska Sobota for Romnja. With the recording of the concert, one will remember the musician Igor Misdaris, the singer of the band Šukar.

Łodz: Exhibition and Discussion

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Dr. Joanna Talewicz (Strone of Dialogue Foundation) presente the works of Ceja Stojka both her painting and literature, which are a moving testimony to the Roma Holocaust, and the historical context of the Holocaust itself, and presented the processes related to the decades of marginalization and ignoring of the voices of Roma people, and how they are increasingly regaining their rightful place in collective memory.

French Chronicle …

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Not much about Roma in the French press this week either. A festival in Perpignan, in Southern France showcasing the work of a Romanian photograph, who, sorry to say, perpetuates stereotypes; and the evacuation of one of the oldest Roma camps near Paris, in la Courneuve. The camp was established in 2008. An no one asks why 80 families had to stay there for 16 years …

Bratislava: Exhibition

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An exhibition of drawings by children on the theme of Roma personalities has opened in Bratislava in the baroque courtyard of the university. “Especially for Roma children, this topic was very inspiring, encouraging and instilling pride. For children from the majority society, such a topic is an opportunity to get to know successful Roma,” explained Agnes Horváthová, founder of the civil association Romano kher – Rómsky dom, which organizes the competition.

Kamill Erdős

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A travelling exhibition called “I’ll find you with God, my brother!” with the subtitle “Gypsy Stories” elaborates and presents to the public the Erdős Kamill legacy preserved in the collection of the Erkel Ferenc Museum in Gyula, i.e. the results of the research conducted among the Roma in Hungary in the 20th century – this time in Kápolnásnyé, at the Halász Gedeon Event Center.

Croatia and April 8th

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The Čakovec Cultural Centre in cooperation with the Association of Roma in the Republic of Croatia “KALI SARA” has set up two outstanding exhibitions for the Međimurje audience on the occasion of the World Roma Day. The exhibitions and the motivation behind this cooperation were announced in the introductory part of the opening ceremony by Maja Grubišić, head of the Roma educational and cultural centre, noting that World Roma Day is celebrated in honour of the first World Roma Congress held in London in 1971, during which world Roma community defined its political and social position for the first time.

Czechia: Exhibition

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An exhibition in the 400 ASA gallery showcases pictures taken by young Roma from two Roma settlements.

A must see.

Slovakia: Exhibition on Roma

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In the castle of Modrý Kameň, Slovakia, they are preparing a rerun of the exhibition called “The Story of the Children of the Wind”. The exhibition retraces the story of Roma in Slovakia from the 13th century to 1990. The exhibition will open on March 1st and stay until May 15th.

Czechia: Photographs

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An exhibition of photographs taken by young Roma from Roma settlements is being shown in Prague 400ASA gallery. They are the results of workshops with the Roma youngsters.

Well done!

Photo Voices

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Another article in the Bulgarian press about Photo Voice – a traveling exhibition of women’s advocacy clubs under the “I have a dream” project, is visiting Rakitovo with an exhibition of photos of 20 professionally successful Romnja.

Serbia: Exhibition

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The historical-documentary exhibition “Between Empathy and Prejudice: Roma in the Press of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1929-1944)” by Dr. Kristina Jorgić Stepanović and Slavko Stepanović will open tomorrow in In the Historical Archives of Šumadija, on Thursday January 25 from 1 p.m.

Germany: Exhibition

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The exhibition “Racial Diagnosis: Gypsies” commemorates the systematic persecution and extermination of Sinti and Roma during the Nazi era. It was opened by the President of the North Rhein Westfalen State Parliament, André Kuper, and the first chairman of the State Association of German Sinti and Roma NRW, Roman Franz.

Bulgaria and Romnja

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A traveling exhibition showcass the many faces of successful Roma women. It shows successful Romnja – entrepreneur, social worker, mother, singer, small business owner, hairdresser, student, pharmacist.
