Tag Archives: Football

Slovenia: Jože Didi Horvath

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The star footballer Jože Didi Horvath died. He was famous, a Roma, and fought against discrimination.
May he rest in peace.

Serbia, Roma, and Football

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The Roma football club “Veternica” from Leskovac is the oldest active Roma football club in the Balkans. It was formed back in 1926 in Leskovac and was founded by Leskovac manufacturer Dimitrije Nikolić, for his workers, Roma spinners from the outskirts of the city in the Roma settlement “Podvorce”.

Slovakia: Football Tournament

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The EQUAL CUP football tournament is taking place in Záhorí under the auspices of the Human in Danger organization, with the participation of students from Lozorn and Plavecký Štvrtek. As part of the Better Future for Young Roma project, which is financed by the Volkswagen Slovakia Foundation, the organization Human in Danger works with young people from marginalized Roma communities (MRK) in western Slovakia, primarily in Záhorí.

Football and Roma

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Again, and unfortunately as usual, supporters of the AC Roma insulted a player by calling him a Gypsy. Racism among supporters is just not acceptable, but everywhere, authorities turn a blind eye. They should be fined and banned from the stadiums.
