Tag Archives: History

Charter 77

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Charter 77

The human rights movement Charter 77 published a significant document, “The Status of Gypsies and Roma in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic”, which is presented by Charter 77 signatory, former chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee and former public defender of human rights Anna Šabatová.

Roma Minority in Slovakia

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Roma Minority in Slovakia

Roma have been in Slovakia since the 14th century. The first written document about the Roma population in Slovakia is a document from 1322, in which the presence of Roma in Spiš is mentioned by the Spišské novoveske mayor Ján Kunch. Later, larger groups of Roma arrived in Slovakia. In 1423, Sigismund of Luxembourg issued a document at Spiš Castle that guaranteed the Roma certain guarantees of protection and self-governing judicial powers.

The difference in number of Roma in the 2021 census and the number of Roma residents in the latest Atlas of Roma Communities from 2019 is almost threefold. While the 2019 atlas indicates that at least 417,535 Roma people live in Slovakia, in the 2021 census, only 156,164 Roma people declared themselves Roma.

Poland: A piece of history

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Thanks to the meticulousness of the authorities of communist Poland, we can learn not only when exactly the first Roma arrived and settled in Środa Śląska, but also thoroughly reconstruct the history of each Roma family, find out what jobs they undertook and how their superiors assessed the quality of their work.

Romania and Roma

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The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Wednesday the Law on the establishment of the National Museum of History and Culture of the Roma in Romania.  The museum will be based in the city of Bucharest.

“The purpose of the museum is to present and promote the history, culture and traditions of the Roma in Romania, to know domestically and internationally the contribution of this national minority to the evolution and modernization of Romanian society over time, to protect the memory of the victims of slavery and deportation in Transnistria, as well as to combat racism and discrimination. The heritage of the museum consists of collections of pieces and documents, established by the Pro-Europe Roma Party Association, a member of the Council of National Minorities, in collaboration with other public or private institutions and non-governmental organizations from the country and abroad, as well as pieces from transfers, donations and acquisitions, according to the law. The financing of the operation and activity of the museum is ensured from subsidies from the state budget, through the budget of the General Secretariat of the Government and from own revenues from specific activities, as well as from donations and sponsorships”, the law states.

600 Years

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Since Wednesday, the House of European History in Brussels has exhibited a copy of the protection document for the Roma, which was issued 600 years ago at the Spiš castle by the Hungarian king and Roman-German emperor Sigismund of Luxemburg. This event was also attended by the vice presidents of the European Commission (EC) Věra Jourová and Maroš Šefčovič, who took part in the ceremony of handing over a copy of the historical document.

Slovakia and Roma

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Slovakia and Roma

600 years ago, the King Sigismund of Luxembourg, King of Hungary, issued a protection document for the Roma in Spiš Castle (Slovakia). This event was commemorated on Wednesday at an event in the European Parliament (EP) by Slovak MEP Peter Pollák (OĽANO), who handed over a copy of this document to the House of European History in Brussels during a ceremony.
