Tag Archives: Movie


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Two more articles among a plethora of them n the new Polish Netflix series on Roma.

The series, while highlighting serious problems and challenges faced by Roma, also perpetuates many clichés. That is not so good.

Another Comment on “Infamia”

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The NEtflic series “Infamia” is not only about the Roma or Poles. It’s about someone we perceive as a “stranger”. Here in Europe, we have a built-in and fuelled fear of foreigners. I wanted to encourage viewers to, instead of being afraid, ask “others” out of our common social life, take a closer look at them, see people in them, says Anna Maliszewska, the director of the series.

Zdeněk Godla

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The Czech Roma actor Zdeněk Godla has announced he will quit acting. He got into acting by accident: He worked as a public works worker in Chomutov, where the audition was taking place. He participated, won, and since then has been an actor who often appears in films and series. His most famous works include, for example, the character František from the series Most.

Apparently, he is also in financial trouble, something that may have to do with his current decision.

Netflix “Infamia”

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Is Zofia Jastrzębska, the star of the latest Netflix series in Poland palying a 17 years old Romni, herself a Romni?

The real question in this case is does it matter?

Austria and Roma

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Katharina Janoska, an Austrian Romni, made a movie about the struggle of the Roma for recognition in Austria. The production from the ORF regional studio in Burgenland can be seen on ORF 2 on Sunday, August 27 at 6:25 p.m.

Netflix and Roma

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A new Netflix series focuses on Polish Roma. According to the article “After years of living in Great Britain, teenage Romni Gita and her family return to Poland. After returning, the girl tries to find herself and discovers her passions, while leading the life of a typical seventeen-year-old. However, when she falls in love, she has to balance between the modern world of teenagers and traditional family rules.”

Let’s hope there are not too many stereotypes.

Palić European Film Festival

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The film festival in Palić, Serbia, amongst others will feature the movie “Three thousand numbered parts” by Adam Časi. The movie is based on a theatre play, directed by Časi, staged in Budapest and then moved to Berlin. Supported by the Open Society Foundation, the creative team composed exclusively of Roma has been working together for the sixth year in the desire to educate marginalized Roma through artistic activity. Roma boys and girls act, sing, dance, satirically referring to their own painful life stories, continuous traumas and experiences that left scars on their hands. Cruel, seasoned with dark humour, a political film against injustice, prejudice, discrimination and racism towards the Roma – the largest European minority.

Polish Movie

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The Polish filmmaker Krzysztof Skonieczny is directing a new movie set in Wrocław, a city he knows well, featuring a young skateboarder who falls in love with a Romni and is confronted with the prejudice against Roma. Both key actors are new to filming, and are supported by a cast of well know actors.

Czech Republic: Role Models

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Three Roma recently won prizes in the Czech Republic. Patrick Banga, a Romano journalist won the prestigious Magnesia Litera literary prize in the new authors category; Renata Berkyová, a historian who works on the Holocaust of Roma won a 4 month months scholarship at the Washington Holocaust Museum; and finally, the actor Marsell Bendig won the Czech Lion for supporting actor for his role in the film Banger.

Well done!

Hungary: Roma Tales

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A Hungarian movie series based on Roma tales was just realised. It was done a unique 3D series. The Gypsy Tales series was the idea of Mária Horváth, one of the founding members of the Kecskemét Animation Studio. After finishing the Hungarian folk tales, it occurred to her to show the values hidden in Roma culture through Roma tales. The creators consider it important that Roma should be proud not only of their music, but also of their fine arts and literature.

Czech Republic: Award

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Marsell Bendig won the award of best actor in a supporting role of the Czech Film and Television Academy on Saturday. He gave an exclusive interview to ROMEA TV right after the ceremony.

The movie for which he received this award is called “Banger” and was directed by Adam Sedlák. The movie was shot on an iPhone and was shown in July 2022 at the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary. It tells the story of Alex, a young drug-addicted dealer who wants to change his life and become famous as a rapper, played by actor Adam Mišík. Marcel Bendig played the role of Alex’s friend Ládi in the film.


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The Hungarian movie “Larry” was one of the cinema surprises at the end of 2022 and perhaps the biggest Hungarian film success. This is not a Roma movie, but it is refreshingly different in the way Roma appear in this movie. In addition, a part of the film takes place in the Edeleny Roma settlement with its residents.

Slovakia: Series

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Alžbeta Ferencova, an actress, singer, dancer, who plays the main character in the series “Iveta”, talks about the portrayal of Roma in the series and about her great-grandmother, the first Roma writer Elena Lacková, in an interview.

The series Iveta opens up Roma topics in Slovakia, such as racism, stereotypes and eastern Slovakia. It was filmed by the Czech director Jan Hřebejk. The mayor of Trebišov, who was offended by the portrayal of his city, has also spoken out.

Slovak Comedy

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A Slovak Movie comedy about the wild 90’s featuring Zdeněk Godla, the most famous Roma actor in the Czech Republic.


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The movie “Injustice and Resistance” about Romani Rose and the Sinti and Roma civil right movement will be shown in London in the Goethe Institute on January 27th.

Germany: Documentary

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The members of the Schwarz family sit on the couch or camping chairs and talk about the past and present of antiziganism. Many of her grandparents were deported under the Nazis. While the contemporary witnesses have already died or have not returned from the camps, the traumatic experiences live on in the stories and return in antiziganism insults and violence in German schoolyards.
