Tag Archives: Music

Romsky Bašavel

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The Prague 4 district is organizing the fourth annual music event called Romský Bašavel. Roma Bashavel will take place on Friday, August 18, from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Novodvorská Cultural Center. The event is moderated by Czech Radio editor Iveta Demeterová and well-known musician and publicist Vojta Lavička.

Roma Song Day

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On August 8, the International Roma Song Day will be held for the second time. The organizer of the initiative is Mihály “Mazsi” Rostás, who, in addition to active musicianship (Romengo, MazsiMó–GipsyMó), is the artistic manager of the formations of Mónika Lakatos, winner of the Kossuth Prize and Womex Lifetime Achievement Award. A well-known representative of gypsy music told our newspaper that the idea of a day related to Roma musical culture came to mind already in 2008, on the occasion of Hungarian Song Day, but the idea turned into action the previous year.

In addition to several Hungarian locations, the event will also be held in Parkany, Slovakia, and in Krakow, Poland.

Slovakia: Festival

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The international Roma festival Amaro Fest – open air gipsy festival offers musical, singing and dancing performances by local and foreign performers. This year’s seventh edition is taking place on July 22 and 23 in the Nitra amphitheatre.

Krakow: International Days of Roma Culture

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The International Days of Roma Culture are celebrated in Krakow for the twelfth time with Roma from various parts of Europe came. Concerts and exhibitions will bring Krakow’s inhabitants closer to the culture that has become overgrown with many myths. To see what it really is like, it is worth visiting Nowa Huta on July 1 and 2.

Krakow Festival

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The 12th International Days of Roma culture will take place in Krakow on July 1 and 2, in Łąki Nowohuckie. We will visit a former Roma camp, see museum wagons, ethnographic exhibits, an exhibition of paintings and photographs. On the outdoor stage, traditional dances will be presented by artists from Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Great Britain, Poland and France.

Unfortunately, some of the kitsch and stereotypes are presented here …

Catalan Rumba in Hungary

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MazsiMó-GipsyMó’s first album titled Gypsy DNA was launched in a concert on May 19, 2023 in the Akvárium Klub in Budapest. The formation, which plays music based on Catalan rumba, was created in August 2021 by the internationally recognized band Romengo and the head of the International Gypsy and World Music Network, Mihály Mazsi Rostás. The Catalan rumba was made known all over the world by the Gipsy Kings.

The members of the band express themselves most easily in the Lovári language, and they also want to get the young Gypsies – who generally speak the language of their grandparents less and less – to sing as much as possible to the catchy tunes in Gypsy.

Spin the Wheel

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Ri Rock Association in partnership with the Roma Youth Organization of Croatia organised the second cultural and artistic event dedicated to Roma culture and art. The event, called “Spin the Inclusive Wheel” aims to promote Roma culture and identity through music and art.

Radio Roža is an internet radio program that is conducted as part of the Gyroscope culture project.

Ljiljjana Petrović Butler

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The story of a Serbian Romani singer, Ljiljjana Petrović Butler, born in 2944 in Belgrade, who died in 2010 in the Netherlands, having fled the wars in Yugoslavia.

Unfortunately, this story also reinforces many stereotypes: early marriage and children, no education, dirty, and so on. Sad, as it could have been told differently.

Serbia, Roma, and Rap

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The Gypsy Roma Urban Balcan Beat (GRUBB) is a show in Serbia created by young Roma artists. Here, in the article, a young Rom participated for two years and wants to continue. A reportage on Serbian television that will be shown on April 26th.
