Tag Archives: Music

Nazif Mujić

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A commemoration of the life of Nazif Mujić who won a prize at the Berlin Film festival and died recently in utter poverty and a reflection on the current situation of Roma in the Balkans.

– Roma in the Balkans: the story of Nazif. In: Ossevatore Balcanico e Caucaso. 27.03.2018. https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/eng/Areas/Bosnia-Herzegovina/Roma-in-the-Balkans-the-story-of-Nazif-186885 [link-preview url=”https://www.balcanicaucaso.org/eng/Areas/Bosnia-Herzegovina/Roma-in-the-Balkans-the-story-of-Nazif-186885″]

French Chronicle …

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A mixed bag of news this week in France. First, a positive story of two young Roma in a youth communal council near Nantes, in Western France, showing that integration is possible. On the flip side, yet another fire in a Roma camp near that same city. In Lille, in the north, a medical bus is doing the rounds in Roma camps. In Paris, a prefect who seem to ignore the law entirely when he wants to expulse Roma. A festival, “Latcho Divano” aimed at furthering the dialogue between Roma and Gadže opened its doors in Marseilles. And in that same city, a weird story of an abduction of a 3 years old Roma child by his step mother.

– Alberto et Roberto, deux Roms au conseil communal. In: Ouest France. 22.03.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/alberto-et-roberto-deux-roms-au-conseil-communal-5637861
– Près de Nantes. Feu dans un camp de Roms : pas de victims. In: Ouest France. 22.03.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/pres-de-nantes-feu-dans-un-camp-de-roms-pas-de-victimes-5638309
– À Lille, un bus médical se déplace dans les camps de Roms. In: France Bleu. 21.03.2018. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/a-lille-un-bus-medical-sillonne-les-camps-de-roms-1521660007
– Un préfet hors la loi. In: Mediapart. 20.03.2018. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/200318/un-prefet-hors-la-loi
– Marseille : Latcho Divano, ” le bel échange ” entretenu. In: La Marseillaise. 20.03.2018. http://www.lamarseillaise.fr/culture/festivals/68587-latcho-divano-le-bel-echange-entretenu
– Enlèvement dans une école à Marseille : comment cela a-t-il pu se passer ? In: Magic Maman. 22.03.2018. http://www.magicmaman.com/enlevement-dans-une-ecole-a-marseille-comment-cela-a-t-il-pu-se-passer,3578265.asp
– Marseille : un enfant de 3 ans kidnappé dans son école. In: Corse Matin. 20.03.2018. https://www.corsematin.com/article/article/marseille-un-enfant-de-3-ans-kidnappe-dans-son-ecole [link-preview url=”https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/alberto-et-roberto-deux-roms-au-conseil-communal-5637861 “]


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A festival in France. The title is not really to our taste, but good music nevertheless.

http://www.welcome-in-tziganie.com [link-preview url=”http://www.welcome-in-tziganie.com”]

Nazif Mujić Died

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The award winning Bosnian Roma actor Nazif Mujić died last Sundy in utter poverty in Bosnia, five years after having won the silver bear at the Berlin festival.
May he rest in peace.

– Bären-Gewinner Nazif Mujić stirbt mittellos in Bosnien. In: Der Tagesspiegel. 18.02.2018. http://www.tagesspiegel.de/kultur/fuenf-jahre-nach-berlinale-triumph-baeren-gewinner-nazif-muji-stirbt-mittellos-in-bosnien/20976416.html
– Award-winning Bosnian Roma actor dies penniless. In: The Malay Online. 18.02.2018. http://www.themalaymailonline.com/showbiz/article/award-winning-bosnian-roma-actor-dies-penniless#TyRpiqBvk4HrOH7r.97
– Nazif Mujić Dies: Bosnian Actor & Berlin Award Winner. In: Deadline. 18.02.2018. http://deadline.com/2018/02/bosnian-actor-berlin-award-winner-nazif-mujic-passes-away-1202293996/
– Berlin: Bosnian Actor and Silver Bear Winner Nazif Mujic Dies at 48. In: The Hollywood Reporter. 18.02.2018. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/berlin-bosnian-actor-silver-bear-winner-nazif-mujic-dies-at-48-1085956
– La Berlinale pleure l’acteur Nazif Mujic récompensé en 2013. In: Paris Match. 18.02.2018. http://www.parismatch.com/Culture/Cinema/La-Berlinale-pleure-l-acteur-Nazif-Mujic-recompense-en-2013-1462991
– Preminuo Nazif Mujić, dobitnik Srebrenog medvjeda. In: N1. 18.02.2018. http://ba.n1info.com/a244148/Vijesti/Vijesti/Preminuo-Nazif-Mujic.html
– Preminuo dobitnik “Srebrnog medveda” Nazif Mujić. In: Blic. 18.02.2018. https://www.blic.rs/vesti/republika-srpska/preminuo-dobitnik-srebrnog-medveda-nazif-mujic/pg0vqpt
– Nazif Mujic (1970-2018). In: CM. 19.02.2018. http://www.cmjornal.pt/mais-cm/obituario/detalhe/nazif-mujic-1970-2018
– Winnaar van Zilveren Beer voor Beste Acteur sterft in armoe. In: GVA. 18.02.2018. http://www.gva.be/cnt/dmf20180218_03363414/winnaar-van-zilveren-beer-voor-beste-acteur-sterft-in-armoede [link-preview url=”https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/berlin-bosnian-actor-silver-bear-winner-nazif-mujic-dies-at-48-1085956 “]

Roma Archive

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An article on the Rom Archive project which will go online in October 2018.

– Von Franz Liszt bis Flamenco. In: Deutschland Rundfunk. 15.02.2018. http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/archiv-fuer-die-kunst-der-sinti-und-roma-von-franz-liszt.862.de.html?dram:article_id=410881 [link-preview url=”http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/archiv-fuer-die-kunst-der-sinti-und-roma-von-franz-liszt.862.de.html?dram:article_id=410881″]

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

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The controversy that followed casting a white student in the role of Esmeralda in the play based on Victor Hugo’s novel on the Hunchback of Notre Dame has made it to the front page of major newspapers in the US. Several students of the high school which scheduled the play managed to have it cancelled, saying that casting a “white” student in the role of a Romni was racist or at least cultural appropriation. Reactions against them were really bad and of course, Breitbart also pitched in.
What does it have to do with Roma: Well, actually not much, as the only thing that links Roma to this controversy is the fact that they are depicted in a play … Let’s hope that they are not the un-intended victims of this controversy.

– Casting Controversy Derailed a High School Play. Then Came the Threats. In: The New York Times. 08.02.2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/08/theater/hunchback-of-notre-dame-ithaca-high-school.html
– High School Cancels ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’ Production After White Student Cast as Lead. In: Breitbart. 05.08.2018. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/02/05/high-school-cancels-hunchback-of-notre-dame-production-after-white-student-cast-as-lead/
– ‘QUITE DISTURBING’: National coverage of Ithaca High’s play controversy brings threats. In: The Ithaca Journal. 08.02.2018. http://www.ithacajournal.com/story/news/local/2018/02/08/national-coverage-ithacas-hunchback-controversy-results-doxxing-threats/320826002/
– Ithaca High School pulls ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’ over casting diversity outcry. The Ithaca Journal. 29.01.2018. http://www.ithacajournal.com/story/news/local/2018/01/29/new-project-planned-place-ithaca-musical-hunchback-notre-dame-cancelled-amid-outcry-diversify-castin/1074212001/ [link-preview url=”https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/08/theater/hunchback-of-notre-dame-ithaca-high-school.html “]

Times of the Gypsies

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The movie the Time of the Gypsies is now also a theatre production. It has been presented as a musical in Turkey for the first time.
While the movie was excellent as a movie, it presented Roma in a very stereotypical fashion. Let’s hope the theatre production will not do the same.

– ‘Time of the Gypsies’ now on theater stage. In: The Daily Sabah. 12.12.2017. https://www.dailysabah.com/arts-culture/2017/12/12/time-of-the-gypsies-now-on-theater-stage [link-preview url=”https://www.dailysabah.com/arts-culture/2017/12/12/time-of-the-gypsies-now-on-theater-stage”]

Documentary on Roma and Music

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A Slovak documentary on Roma and music. Quite a few clichés.

– Útrapy Rómov, ich hudobné nadanie a spôsob, akým dedia umenie už celé generácie. To a oveľa viac nájdete v novom slovenskom dokumente. In: Filmkult. 10.11.2017. https://filmkult.refresher.sk/9475-Utrapy-Romov-ich-hudobne-nadanie-a-sposob-akym-dedia-umenie-uz-cele-generacie-To-a-ovela-viac-najdete-v-novom-slovenskom-dokumente [link-preview url=”https://filmkult.refresher.sk/9475-Utrapy-Romov-ich-hudobne-nadanie-a-sposob-akym-dedia-umenie-uz-cele-generacie-To-a-ovela-viac-najdete-v-novom-slovenskom-dokumente”]

Dotschy Reinhardt

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A concert and an overview of her new Album.

– Worms: Sinti-Jazz von Dotschy Reinhardt – Auftritt am 12. Oktober im oberen Foyer des Wormser Theaters. 06.10.2017. http://www.metropolnews.info/mp287295/worms-sinti-jazz-von-dotschy-reinhardt-auftritt-am-12-oktober-im-oberen-foyer-des-wormser-theaters [link-preview url=”http://www.metropolnews.info/mp287295/worms-sinti-jazz-von-dotschy-reinhardt-auftritt-am-12-oktober-im-oberen-foyer-des-wormser-theaters”]

French Chronicle …

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Less news on expulsions, more news, and more reports on the associations fighting for Roma. First, an serious scientific article about the 15 to 20’000 Roma in France (there are more, but as usual, one counts only the ones in the camps). In that context, an exhibition by a Romanian artist in a festival in Western France attempts a dialogue. Then an association in Grenoble that will close down for lack of funds.
This is to be contrasted with potential expulsions in Poissy, in Melun, and one effective camp closure in Créteil, all around Paris. In western France, in Angers, a house is being squatted by Roma and the city’s mayor has been contested for his expulsion policies. Finally, in the North a baby died in a camp.

– Qui sont vraiment les Roms de France ? In: CNRS. 18.09.2017. https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/articles/qui-sont-vraiment-les-roms-de-france
– «Dialogues n°3» d’Aurelia Ivan sur les Roms et les bidonvilles. In: RFI. 22.09.2017. http://www.rfi.fr/culture/20170922-dialogues-3-aurelia-ivan-roms-bidonvilles-francophonies-limousin-jeremy-gravayat
– ROMS ACTION EN PÉRIL SUITE À UN DÉSENGAGEMENT DES COLLECTIVITÉS LOCALES. In: Place Grenet. 24.09.2017. https://www.placegrenet.fr/2017/09/24/roms-action-peril-suite-a-desengagement-collectivites-locales/152928
– Roms action va “mettre la clef sous la porte”. In: Le Dauphiné. 18.09.2017. http://www.ledauphine.com/isere-sud/2017/09/18/roms-action-va-mettre-la-clef-sous-la-porte
– A Grenoble, l’association Roms Action risque de fermer faute de subventions. In: France Info FR3. 18.09.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/isere/grenoble/grenoble-association-roms-action-risque-fermer-faute-subventions-1330393.html
– Poissy : l’affaire des Roms tranchée la semaine prochaine par le tribunal. In: Le Parisien. 21.09.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/poissy-78300/poissy-l-affaire-des-roms-tranchee-la-semaine-prochaine-par-le-tribunal-21-09-2017-7276776.php
– Melun. Une procédure d’expulsion en cours pour les Roms installés dans un bâtiment désaffecté de l’hôpital. In: Actu.fr. 20.09.2017. https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/melun_77288/melun-une-procedure-dexpulsion-cours-roms-installes-dans-batiment-desaffecte-lhopital_11944945.html
– Les Roms installés à l’hôpital Marc Jacquet de Melun risquent l’expulsion. In: Evasion. 21.09.2017. https://www.evasionfm.com/actualite-28134-les-roms-installes-a-l-hopital-marc-jacquet-de-melun-risquent-l-expulsion.html
– Créteil : le camp du carrefour Pompadour évacué. In: Le Parisien. 19.08.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/creteil-94000/creteil-le-camp-du-carrefour-pompadour-evacue-19-09-2017-7271700.php
– Angers : un pavillon abandonné est devenu un refuge pour des familles roms. In: FR3 Info. 19.09.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/pays-de-la-loire/maine-et-loire/angers/angers-pavillon-abandonne-est-devenu-refuge-familles-roms-1331321.html
– Angers. Expulsions : le maire interpellé par des militants. In: Ouest France. 20.09.2017. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/angers-expulsions-le-maire-interpelle-par-des-militants-5259606
– Un nourrisson retrouvé mort dans un squat à Roubaix. In: FR3 France Info. 22.09.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/hauts-de-france/nord-0/nourrisson-retrouve-mort-squat-roubaix-1332999.html [link-preview url=”https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/articles/qui-sont-vraiment-les-roms-de-france”]

The world of flamenco pays homage to Remedios Amaya

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A unique show which will bring together many great artists in the Auditorio Sevillano “Rocío Jurado” on 19 October.
A must see.

– El mundo del flamenco rinde homenaje a Remedios Amaya. In: La Flamenca. 30.08.2017. http://www.revistalaflamenca.com/homenaje-a-remedios-amaya/ [link-preview url=”http://www.revistalaflamenca.com/homenaje-a-remedios-amaya/”]

Slovakia: End of the Festival

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The festival that took place in Zvolen, Banska Bistrica and in nearby towns is ending this week end. Yesterday, a gala concert with Roma musicians from various countries was held in Sliač with musicians from Russia, Hungary, Czech republic and Slovakia.

– Galaprogramom dnes vrcholí multižánrové podujatie Ľudia z rodu Rómov. In: Dobre Noviny. 19.08.2017. http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/108437/galaprogramom-dnes-vrcholi-multizanrove-podujatie-ludia-z-rodu-romov [link-preview url=”http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/108437/galaprogramom-dnes-vrcholi-multizanrove-podujatie-ludia-z-rodu-romov”]

Festival of another Kind

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On the 16th of August, in the Banská Bystrica Historic Town Hall, the largest Roma multi-ethnic event in Central Slovakia will be opened. It is called “Ľudia z rodu Rómov” [People of the Roma family] and will last until the 19th of August. A non-traditional home-based exhibition focusses on Roma women and their position in society in connection with the growing extremism and radicalism is part of the festival.

“The individual activities of the festival will be held in three cities – Banská Bystrica, Zvolen, Sliac and visitors can enjoy outstanding Roma artists from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania,” said Denisa Sciranková from Quo Vadis civic association.

– Rómsky festival Ľudia z rodu Rómov odštartuje netradičnou výstavou. In: Dobre Noviny. 14.08.2017. http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/108102/romsky-festival-ludia-z-rodu-romov-odstartuje-netradicnou-vystavou [link-preview url=”http://www.dobrenoviny.sk/c/108102/romsky-festival-ludia-z-rodu-romov-odstartuje-netradicnou-vystavou”]

Ewa Minge

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The Polish fashion designer Ewa Minge is presenting a new collection in Paris during the Haute Couture week inspired by Roma dresses and tales. “The collection is extremely colorful, inspired by old fairy tales, drawing directly on culture, music and the Roma tradition,” says Małgorzata Sawicka, president of the Black Butterflies Foundation, founded by Ewa Minga.

– Ewa Minge w Paryżu. Barwne stroje inspirowane romską kulturą. In: Wyborcza. 01.07.2017. http://zielonagora.wyborcza.pl/zielonagora/7,35182,22039327,ewa-minge-w-paryzu-stroje-inspirowane-kultura-romow-zdjecia.html [link-preview url=”http://zielonagora.wyborcza.pl/zielonagora/7,35182,22039327,ewa-minge-w-paryzu-stroje-inspirowane-kultura-romow-zdjecia.html”]

Festival in Cologne

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The third “Zigeunerfestival” in Cologne (Köln) – Germany is in full swing, with many international bands.

– Mit internationalen Bands Zigeunerfestival in Köln zeigt Kultur der Sinti und Roma. In: Kölner Stadt Anzeiger. 16.06.2017. http://www.ksta.de/27804074 [link-preview url=”http://www.ksta.de/27804074″]

Russian Guitar Festival

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The annual Russian Guitar Festival is in full swing with Oleg Timofeyev and Vadim Kolpakov. If you can – go!

– The annual Russian Guitar Festival: A Russian revival in its 11th instalment. In: Little Village Mag. http://littlevillagemag.com/the-annual-russian-guitar-festival-a-russian-revival-in-its-11th-installment/ [link-preview url=”http://littlevillagemag.com/the-annual-russian-guitar-festival-a-russian-revival-in-its-11th-installment/”]

France: Festival in Lyon

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The Gypsy Lyon Festival will open its doors on the 18th of May in Lyon, France.

– Croix-Rousse : le Gypsy Lyon Festival revient pour une 8e edition. In: Lyon Capitale. http://www.lyoncapitale.fr/Journal/Lyon/Culture/Musique/Croix-Rousse-le-Gypsy-Lyon-Festival-revient-pour-une-8e-edition [link-preview url=”http://www.lyoncapitale.fr/Journal/Lyon/Culture/Musique/Croix-Rousse-le-Gypsy-Lyon-Festival-revient-pour-une-8e-edition”]

Turkey – Rroma Festival

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This week end, the Kakava Festival is taking place in Edirne.

– Kakava: Roma festival draws thousands to Turkey’s Edirne. In: TRT World. 06.05.2017. http://www.trtworld.com/turkey/kakava-roma-festival-draws-thousands-to-turkeys-edirne-350671 [link-preview url=”http://www.trtworld.com/turkey/kakava-roma-festival-draws-thousands-to-turkeys-edirne-350671″]
