Tag Archives: Neo-Nazis

Czechia: Neo-Nazi Threats

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Czechia: Neo-Nazi Threats

A young neo-Nazi openly threatens Roma with violence in a video on TikTok. He says that a group of extremists will arrive in Písek on Monday evening and want to attack Roma. The video quickly began to spread among Roma and raised concerns. The situation is already being handled by the Government Commissioner for Roma Affairs, Lucie Fuková, who is in contact with the police. In response to the threats, some Roma are calling for their own meeting in Písek.

Germany: Racism

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Germany: Racism

In Neumünster, the shop windows of the Sinti Union Schleswig-Holstein office were smeared with a swastika and other nazi symbols. This happened, according to Kelly Laubinger, the managing director of the office during the night to Saturday.

Well, reminder: Tomorrow there are elections in Germany and the AfD candidate once stated that Roma and Sinti are alien to Germany… Does it remind you of anything?

Bratislava: Neo-Nazis

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Bratislava: Neo-Nazis

The police have identified several people who have been going on a rampage in the centre of the capital for several months. Their victims are mainly foreigners or Roma. The group of neo-Nazis flees after the attack, they film everything on their mobile phones and publish it on social networks.

Slovakia: Neo-Nazis

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Slovakia: Neo-Nazis

A neo-Nazi group in Bratislava which calls itself “White Zone SS” has been terrorizing people for several months. They mainly attack foreigners and Roma. According to experts on extremism, they resemble radicals from the 90s. They differ only in one thing. They film everything on their mobile phones and publish it on social networks.

Bavaria: Aiwanger and Nazism

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A controversy has been brewing in Bavaria: Aiwanger, the leader of a party in current coalition in the Bavarian government, has been linked to a manifesto, written in the 1980’s that is definitively an apology of Nazism. His brother has in between claimed he is the author and Aiwanger has “apologised”, kind of.

Disgraceful and distasteful.

Hungary, the Far Right and Orban

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The new editor-in-chief of Vasárnap.hu, a close-to-government Christian newspaper supported by taxpayers’ money, was an active participant in the demonstrations of the far-right, neo-Nazi Force and Determination movement. When contacted by Telex, Tamás Horváth did not confirm that he was a member of the organization at first. A few days later, he briefly commented to a government newspaper that he was close to the organization. Then he still responded to some questions, but he didn’t really want to say that he condemned the Nazis and the Arrows, he didn’t give an unequivocal answer to these questions.

Hungary and Neo-Nazis

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Sunday 11th of September saw a large Neo-Nazi demonstration in the Eastern Hungarian Town of Nyiredyhaza. This manifestation was organised by Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement) following the stabbing of a security guard allied to the movement in front of a nightclub. The group made Roma collectively responsible for the deed.

Luckily, this time, Roma protesters outnumbered the Neo-Nazis.
