Tag Archives: Pogroms

Slovakia and Roma

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Almost a hundred years ago, the so-called Pobedim massacre, a pogrom against Roma, took place in Slovakia. In October 1928, a group of rioters from Pobedimi attacked a Roma settlement. The pogrom left behind destroyed houses, injured and six dead, including a six-year-old child. But no one saw and did nothing. This event is commemorated by a production of the Slovak National Theatre.

Slovakia, a Pogrom, and Theatre

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Slovakia, a Pogrom, and Theatre

In October 1928, a group of rioters from Pobedimi attacked a Roma settlement. The pogrom left behind destroyed houses, injured and six dead, including a six-year-old child. This event is commemorated by a production of the Slovak National Theatre.

Khamoro: Theatre

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Khamoro: Theatre

The Slovak National Theatre presented a play about a tragic 1928 pogrom against Roma in Pobedimi which killed 6 Roma and left many without a house at the Khamoro Festival.

Poland – Gdansk: Pogroms

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Football hooligans in Gdansk attacked a Rroma compound close to the football stadium in Gdansk. The police, in spite of warnings did not intervene at all. That football hooligans are often closet Nazis is an unfortunate fact, but that the police doesn’t do a thing, is not acceptable.

Tula, again …

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The village in which the fights between police and Rroma occurred last week in the Tula region of Russia are still cordoned and checked by the police… Beoing on the “wrong” side in Russia is not the best thing.
