Tag Archives: Pogroms

Russia: Pogroms

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Russia: Pogroms

Finally, the news makes it to the West. We reported on it already.

Following the murder of a taxi driver by a Rom, a pogrom started in the town of Korkino, in the Cheliabinsk region. Subsequently after the riots, several Roma were summoned to serve in the army in the Ukraine, a certain death and definitively a punishment.

For the journalist: there are no Sinti in Russia …

Russia: Pogroms

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Russia: Pogroms

Last week, 40-year-old Elena Sarafanova was killed in the city of Korkino (Chelyabinsk region) — two Roma teenagers were accused of the crime. The next day, pogroms began in the city: angry residents went to the settlement, where the Roma live compactly, and set fire to several houses.

It seems that hatred ran deep, and that residents asked “where to deport them if they have no homeland” …

Auschwitz – Oświęcim Pogrom

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Auschwitz – Oświęcim Pogrom

In the Polsih town of Oświęcim, better known by its German name, a pogrom against Roma took place in October 1981. Antoni Rokicki’s report “Wystraczy spark” is a documentary on these events.

Dr. Joanna Talewicz, an anthropologist from Oświęcim and president of the W Stronę Dialogu Foundation, talks about the fact that the pogrom is still a taboo topic, even in some Roma families. “We, the Roma, often bear collective responsibility for things we did not do,” she says.

Slovakia and Roma

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Almost a hundred years ago, the so-called Pobedim massacre, a pogrom against Roma, took place in Slovakia. In October 1928, a group of rioters from Pobedimi attacked a Roma settlement. The pogrom left behind destroyed houses, injured and six dead, including a six-year-old child. But no one saw and did nothing. This event is commemorated by a production of the Slovak National Theatre.

Slovakia, a Pogrom, and Theatre

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In October 1928, a group of rioters from Pobedimi attacked a Roma settlement. The pogrom left behind destroyed houses, injured and six dead, including a six-year-old child. This event is commemorated by a production of the Slovak National Theatre.

Khamoro: Theatre

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The Slovak National Theatre presented a play about a tragic 1928 pogrom against Roma in Pobedimi which killed 6 Roma and left many without a house at the Khamoro Festival.

Poland – Gdansk: Pogroms

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Football hooligans in Gdansk attacked a Rroma compound close to the football stadium in Gdansk. The police, in spite of warnings did not intervene at all. That football hooligans are often closet Nazis is an unfortunate fact, but that the police doesn’t do a thing, is not acceptable.

Tula, again …

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Tula, again …

The village in which the fights between police and Rroma occurred last week in the Tula region of Russia are still cordoned and checked by the police… Beoing on the “wrong” side in Russia is not the best thing.
