The Swiss politician Mario Fehr (not affiliated to any party) gave a press conference on asylum in Zurich, Switzerland. There, he said that he would be willing to give residency to all Ukrainians who work, but would send back the others. And finally, he said that Roma come with false papers, and are not threatened by war.
We had the opportunity to Speak to Mr. Fehr, for which we are thankful, and he confirmed that the statements in 20 Minutes are not what he said.
- Mario Fehr fordert neuen Umgang mit Schutzstatus S. In: Tele Züri. 29.10.2024.
- Asylzahlen: Der Druck auf die Zürcher Gemeinden bleibt hoch, Mario Fehr verlangt vom Bund mehr Einsatz. In: NZZ. 29.10.2024.
- Mario Fehr: «Über 12000 unbearbeitete Asylgesuche». In: 20 Minuten (CH). 30.10.2024 (Print Edition).
- Mario Fehr setzt Ukrainerinnen unter Druck. In; Tages Anzeiger. 29.10.2024.