Tag Archives: Rroma


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The Research Centre for Antigypsyism at Heidelberg University has celebrated its fifth anniversary. The chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, said at the ceremony that the research centre made it clear how important it is to also deal with the phenomenon of antigypsyism at a scientific level.

Buchenwald: Vandals

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Buchenwald: Vandals

Trees planted to commemorates the victims of the Buchenwald concentration camp were cur down by vandals.


Romani Rose

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Romani Rose

A movie on Romani Rose, Chairman of the Council of German Sinti and Roma where he speaks about his family.

Germany, Ukraine, and Roma

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Germany, Ukraine, and Roma

The kind of articles on really doesn’t need. In the State of Thuringia, the refugees’ centres are full. But they also speak of “Roma clans”, “Roma extended families”, all the stereotypes.


French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Not much this week in France. An article with all stereotypes on Roma on the Cote d’Azur, a camp closed near Paris, and of course the consequence thereof, a new camp being established.

In all those years, for 15 to 20 thousand Roma living in camps, they could have found a better solution …


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Another article and video of the start of the demolition of the pig farm on the site of the former concentration camp of Lety.

Racism in France

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Racism in France

Really? 38% of French people think that “Islam is a threat to the identity of France” (compared to 44.7% in 2019) or even 45% think that “the Roma live mainly from theft and trafficking” (48 .2% in 2019).

And 37% think that “Jews have a special relationship with money”, up from two years ago (34.1%).

Even if for Roma and Moslems the numbers are better than last year, this statistic is scary.

Lety: At last

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Lety: At last

The destruction of the pig farm on the site of the former concentration camp of Lety has finally started.

Croatia and Roma

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In the last five years, the number of Roma students has increased three times. These data come from the Croatian Government Office for Human Rights and National Minorities, according to which more and more Roma children remain in the school system. They graduate from university, become lawyers, but often do not find work due to racism.

Bonn, Roma, and Holocaust

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Bonn, Roma, and Holocaust

The Bonn district council has repeatedly postponed the decision on the memorial plaque for the Sinti from Bonn who deported during National Socialism, which should be installed in front of the station. The State Association of German Sinti and Roma North Rhine-Westphalia criticizes the slow process.

Romani Rose

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An interview and discussion with Romani Rose, the chairman of the German Council of Sinti and Roma.

August 2nd

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August 2nd

Commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the liquidation by the Germans of the so-called of the Gypsy camp will be held on August 2 at the former KL Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the Association of the Roma in Poland announced on Wednesday. August 2 is the Day of Remembrance for the Genocide of the Roma. During World War II, the Germans killed about 500,000. Roma and Sinti.
