Tag Archives: Rroma

Lety – at last

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Lety – at last

The demolition of the pig fram on the site of the former Roma concentration camp of Lety can begin. It took time.

Germany and Racism

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Germany and Racism

A Sinti family residing in Bavaria, who made a stop in Ettlingen, reports on terrible racist insults. The police has been alerted and an audio recording was presented.

Germany, Holocaust, and Roma

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Germany, Holocaust, and Roma

Claudia Roth, a prominent German Green politician and one of the vice presidents of the Bundestag. She is also currently serving as Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media has declined to attend a ceremony marking the 100thbirthday of Philomena Franz, where the Sintica and Holocaust survivor will tell about her life.

Auschwitz Museum

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Auschwitz Museum

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the creation of the Auschwitz Museum, a commemorative album “75 years of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and Memorial Site” has been published. It is divided into six chapters: the establishment of the museum, the survivors at the memorial site, preservation of authenticity, education and memory, visits and the caretakers of the memorial site.

Photographs illustrating events in the history of the museum are accompanied by quotations from letters and entries in the commemorative book, mainly by leaders of states and international organizations, which emphasize the role and importance of the place. The album ends with a calendar of the most important events in the history of the museum.

Czech Ombudsman

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Czech Ombudsman

Stanislav Křeček, the current Czech ombudsman and former ČSSD politician, is, to put it mildly, extravagant. Critics blame him for ignoring his agenda and not understanding it at all. Křeček became famous for his statements about the fact that Roma discrimination does not exist in the Czech Republic – that is, in a country that has already lost before the European Court of Human Rights due to Roma segregation.

He should be removed from office.

Slovakia and its History

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Slovakia and its History

The young Slovak historian Viktória Rigová focused her research on so called “problematic” youth. The result of her research is a very interesting and thought-provoking book, Youth over the Abyss, in which she presents the results of her research into a neglected area of Slovak social history. It monitors the social care of children and youth during the interwar period of Czechoslovakia and the Slovak State, i.e. in the period 1918-1945. In a narrower focus, it focuses on children and youth, referred to as “problem youth”.

  • Človek sa zločincom nerodí, no ideológovia slovenského klérofašizmu si to však nemysleli. In: Dennik. 02.07.2022. https://dennikn.sk/blog/2919040/clovek-sa-zlocincom-nerodi-no-ideologovia-slovenskeho-klerofasizmu-si-to-vsak-nemysleli/

75 years

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75 years

Polish president Andrzej Duda wrote a letter to the participants of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the creation of the Auschwitz Birkenau Museum in which he stated that it is our duty to guard the truth and the memory of the fate of millions of helpless victims.


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A 101 year old former Sachsenhausen concentration camp guard was condemned to five years of prison. The anti-Semitism commissioner and the antiziganism commissioner of the Federal Government, the Central Council of Sinti and Roma and other voices welcomed the judge’s verdict.


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A commemoration to the victims of a massacre of  80 years ago took place in Lutowiska in Bieszczady. On June 22, 1942, the Germans murdered 650 people there, and soon another 150 thereafter. The victims were Jews and about thirty Roma. The commemoration was attended, among others, by the Ambassador of Israel in Poland, Yacov Livne and Adam Bartosz – Vice President of the Association of Polish Roma.

Leipzig – Roma Festival

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Leipzig – Roma Festival

For the second time.

Ida Kelarová

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Ida Kelarová

The famous Romani musician Ida Kelarová was nominated for a Czech state award. She refused the nomination for as long as Miloš Zeeman is the president.

She is right.

Germany and Racism

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Germany and Racism

The fight against anti-Roma racism has been declared a state goal in some of Germany’s Laender, and the Federal government also want to act. Victims of this pervasive racism report.

Slovakia and Roma Education

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Slovakia and Roma Education

The Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe (CoE) to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities called on the Slovak authorities to eliminate discrimination against Roma children in education and to improve the mechanism for promoting cultures of national minorities. RE spokesman Jaime Rodríguez informed TASR on Wednesday.

Czech Republic and Lies

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Czech Republic and Lies

The Czech police finally admitted it: The Czech government rhetoric that they would not support Roma refugees from the Ukraine because most of them have the Hungarian nationality is a lie. According to the police only 150 out of more than 5’000 registered Roma had a Hungarian passport and background.

This is called institutional racism.
